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4138 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why We Believe PSD2 Should be Better

In April this year the European Banking Authority released their final RTS draft for PSD2 to be presented to the European Parliament. Many European Fintech companies feel that the draft does not stay true to the principle of equal playing field that PSD2 was originally intended to provide. To make our voice heard, an association has been formed c...

/regulation /inclusion Electronic Bank Account Management

Rolf Van Der Pol

Rolf Van Der Pol MD at i-KYC

Trade Based Money Laundering, it’s a craft to fight it

Hong Kong is only one country where regulators are focusing more and more on TBML as can be read in this article . TBML is less transparent and harder to detect than more traditional types of money laundering. As the article mentions “there is no rigid set

/regulation Asia Financial Services

Stacey Small

Stacey Small Business Development at The Glue

Relationship Status with my bank: It’s Complicated

How well do you feel your bank really knows you? GDPR is on the way and could be seen as another hoop to jump through for the banks. But the upside of managing your data in a more systematic, harmonised manner could in fact enable the financial institutions to really get to know their clients and push forward in terms of customer sevice and busine...


Simon James

Simon James Product Manager - BPM and Reporting at Bravura Solutions

Not all workflow is equal

Having worked in the Business Process Management (BPM) industry for nearly 20 years, primarily for software vendors, you inherit a number of preconceptions. One of those preconceptions is that all internal/integral workflow systems are inferior to an external BPM system. This preconception is born from the fact that there is no set definition for...

/regulation Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Where next for FX?

Regulation is tightening within the banking industry and with the advance of technology, it is becoming more and more challenging for firms to retain acceptable profit margins within their foreign exchange (FX) business. Over the past decade we have seen many firms off-shoring and out sourcing their operations business to reduce costs in order to m...


Edward Grant

Edward Grant CFO & Co-Founder at Solgari

Multiple birds, one stone: how the cloud simplifies GDPR and PCI DSS compliance

Cloud technology has become critical to operations in many organisations. Providing an agile environment to host infrastructures and run processes and applications, it represents a relatively easy and cost-effective way of boosting performance. While this is the case for most, the financial services industry has traditionally shied away from cloud ...


Anne Leslie-Bini

Anne Leslie-Bini CEO at Pikcio RegTech

Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems: it’s time to incentivise purpose in banking

“I want to create a lender that people don't hate” said Denise Kingsmill, the chair of the board at U.K. challenger bank Monzo. Now there’s a pithy declaration that speaks volumes about the state of the banking industry and the times we live in. But how should we read this: are her comments simply savvy market positioning, tapping into the desider...

/regulation /retail Disruption in Retail Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Open Banking to spark positive change?

The Financial Services industry is gearing up for the impending arrival of two new EU regulations – the Payment Services Directive (PSD2), otherwise known as Open Banking, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The deadlines for compliance, 13th January and 25th May 2018 respectively, are likely to be circled on most IT folks’ calendar...

/regulation /retail

Jonathan Westley

Jonathan Westley Chief Data Officer, Experian UK & EMEA at Experian

Age, economy and regulation: How a decade has changed the credit risk industry

Ten years ago, the Bank of England interest rate sat at 4.75% Now? Now it sits at the unhappily low rate of 0.25%. To put this in perspective, on a £150k mortgage over 25 years, today’s payment would be £516 a month. Ten years ago, the cost would have been £855. This equates to a 66% difference – presenting a considerable change which will affect ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Be careful what you wish for

Those of us who remember the good old days will recall the industry debate as to how much dark liquidity was really in existence. In one corner were the exchanges who, through FESE, claimed that the amount of malevolent dark trading going on was unacceptably high. In response the brokers claimed through their trade body, AFME, that actually it was...

/regulation MiFID

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