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4138 Results from /regulation

Colin Harper

Colin Harper Business Consultant at HPS Ltd

BCBS239: Do good and improve

It has now been more than three years since BIS published their paper back in 2013 in response to the financial crisis, with the snappy title of ‘BCBS239: Principles for effective risk data aggregation and risk reporting’ ¹. Since then, the world’s largest banks have worked towards the compliance deadline of 1 January 2016, but with only limited su...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

RegTech - Both hip and practical for compliance teams

There is no doubt about it – RegTech is hip. Bankers dangle the word over their working breakfasts, while technology teams slather it on proposals they are seeking funding for, along with its cousin, FinTech. The term is a contraction of “regulatory” and “technology” that seems to have no sense of irony about just how traditionally uncool the two ...

/ai /regulation

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd


The most common misperception about Chatbots is that Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the only method for delivering conversation-as-a-service. Though this is not true, as covered in earlier articles, it is important to understand some of the NLP limitations. The popularity of Chatbots naturally being able to converse with people generally star...

/ai /regulation Futuristic Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

UK regulator is fighting against Authorised Push Payment, APP, scams

On the 7th of November 2017, the UK PSR (Payment Systems Regulator) published a report and consultation paper “Authorised Push Payment scams PSR-led work to mitigate the impact of scams, including a consultation on a contingent reimbursement model*”. This paper is coming as a result of a complaint submitted in September 2016 from the consumer body...

/security /regulation Online Banking

Niall Twomey

Niall Twomey Chief Technical Officer at Fenergo

Navigating Data Residency and Privacy Compliance in the Cloud

Security and data security concerns have traditionally topped the list of issues for lack of adoption of cloud technologies by banks. Security and data security concerns have traditionally topped the list of issues for lack of adoption of cloud technologies by banks. In a survey conducted by Forrester Research a few years ago, it found that the top...


Jean-Stephane Gourevitch

Jean-Stephane Gourevitch CEO at Mobile Convergence Ecosystems Ltd.

Not the Messiah. Just a very nasty boy: Uber massive data breaches and pitiful attempts to hide it t

Not the Messiah, just a very very nasty boy: Uber abhorrent actions on huge data breach Another day passing, another Uber’ story exploding, another data ...

/regulation Data Management 101

Timothy Murnaghan

Timothy Murnaghan CEO at Analytic Risk Technology

Bank of England Stress Test results

The Bank of England will publish the stress test results next week (having brought it forward from December). The big banks face a tough annual cyclic scenario and an additional “lower-for-longer” exploratory scenario. The longer scenario is also interesting as it becomes less dominated by mortgage losses and the longer term will need an increased ...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Three Types of Merchant Fraud: A Guide For Merchant Acquirers

With all the hype about identity theft and other consumer-side digital crimes, it’s easy to overlook the fact that merchant fraud is still one of the most common and costly causes of financial loss for acquirers. Merchant fraud can be very hard to detect – especially given the complexity of the digital payments ecosystem. Yet, the work put into de...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Clarity through the DEA tiers

An ESMA Q&A published this week provides some further guidance regarding the authorization of sub-delegated DEA providers, but it still leaves room for uncertainty. The Q&A draws a distinction between a DEA client that has EU exchange access directly via a member (Tier 1 DEA client), and a DEA client that obtains access through a sub-dele...

/regulation MiFID

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd


Chatbots, the human side of artificial intelligence, are showing significant signs of market growth, primarily due to the ability to make material reductions in costs, whilst delivering superior customer interactions. From various sources, the Chatbot market is expected to be worth more than US$1bn by 2023, at a compound annual growth rate of betwe...

/ai /regulation Futuristic Banking

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