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4169 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Cooking the Bookings? How Airbnb Became Entangled in a Transaction Laundering Scandal

In 2008, Airbnb entered the international hospitality scene and, in no time, changed the shape of the industry – offering a non-traditional, traveler-friendly alternative to hotels and lodging, both short-and long-term rental options of people’s apartments and homes with reasonable rates and a variety of amenities. In March 2017, the company close...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The art of interpretation: Regtech and intrinsic complexity

The statistics are dizzying: around 170 jurisdictions, 750 regulators, millions of pages of rules and regulations, one revised every seven seconds. It is no wonder that those charged with keeping their financial institution on the regulatory rails do not always sleep easily at night. How is Regtech, a convenient shorthand for Regulatory Technology...

/regulation Fintech

Retired Member

Retired Member 

SFTR: The need for accelerated change

Over recent months as some large regulatory deadlines have been met, one of the ‘long grass’ regulations has come into sharper focus given the intensive efforts that will be required to meet the deadline for compliance; ESMA’s Securities Finance Transaction Reporting (SFTR). The securities financing world is no stranger to directive and regulatory...


Ben Marsh

Ben Marsh CEO at iMeta Technologies

Financial Regulation: Ten Years of Toil and a Month of MiFID II

In the past decade an unequalled amount of regulatory reform has taken place internationally across the financial services industry; a journey that has not been for the faint-hearted or those lacking in stamina and endurance! All of us involved in this marketplace; clients, institutions and service providers; know intimately that these reforms hav...

/regulation /wholesale MiFID

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd

Complex Knowledge two more examples to why it matters

In the UK, there were two public disclosures within a 24-hour period, which provided more examples that Complex Knowledge in a documented form is no longer fit and is the causality of deeply rooted systemic risks. The first relates to the collapse of Carillion. The parliamentary Business Committee has been cross-examining the Carillion auditors. ...

/regulation Fintech innovation and startups

Retired Member

Retired Member 

eComms is changing, and so is compliance - are you?

The convergence of communications and collaboration tools has created an increasingly complex set of interactions among multiple parties over a wide range of channels. The challenge for regulated enterprises is not only how to capture these messages and immutably store them in a useful format, but also to do so in a way that enables them to comply...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Vishwanath Thanalapatti

Vishwanath Thanalapatti Analytics at Temenos

Gem of a Fraud: A classic example of operational risk

Indian banking system is reeling under a series of reported frauds in the last few weeks. The mother of all is the USD 1.7 billion at PNB (Punjab National Bank) which is amongst the top public sector banks. Modus Operandi: An Indian bank (A) issues an LOU (Letter of undertaking) at the request of a corporate to a bank in a different country (B), gu...

/regulation Financial Risk Management

Naresh Kurup

Naresh Kurup Director - Marketing at CustomerXPs

A Call for Better Push-Payment Scam Prevention In Light of Liability Shifting from Customers to Bank

APP (Authorized Push Payment) fraud is turning out to be a widespread menace with the UK being the most affected, according to the UK consumer rights champion When a business or an individual gets tricked into sending money to a fraudulent account to pay for goods or services it is a fraud. Businesses and individuals are scammed when criminals s

/payments /regulation Financial Risk Management

Naresh Kurup

Naresh Kurup Director - Marketing at CustomerXPs

Augmenting Financial Inclusion Efforts Efficacy in sub-Saharan Africa

Financial inclusion plays a vital role in socio-economic development particularly in developing economies. While nations in sub-Saharan Africa have been investing substantial efforts to make financial services available to the underprivileged and marginalised, a vast majority still use informal modes to pay, save and lend. Incidentally, Africa has...

/regulation /inclusion Financial Inclusion

Naresh Kurup

Naresh Kurup Director - Marketing at CustomerXPs

Are Real-time Payments Actually Fueling Financial Crime?

Real-time and near real-time payment systems have changed the very fabric of online commerce. Over 30 countries now have real-time payment processes of some kind, some of them in use since decades. The growth in Real-time Retail Payment Systems (RT-RPS) has been encouraging, with 18 countries now having a ‘live’ RT-RPS systems in place. Additionall...

/payments /regulation Financial Risk Management

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