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4138 Results from /regulation

Shailendra Malik

Shailendra Malik SVP - Tech Delivery (Data Platform) at DBS Bank

From Black Box ML to Glass Box XAI

One of the difficulties in stepping into a red-hot technology space is you’re not sure what to expect. As you’re grappling with unexpected technical curve balls what if your own stakeholders beat you to death after seeing the results which are wrong by their expectations or understanding. The current nascent implementation of Artificial Intelligen...

/ai /regulation Trends in Financial Services

Breana Patel

Breana Patel CEO | Thought leader in Bank Risk & Regulations at Bonova Advisory | Risk &Regulatory Advisory

How to improve company culture with Conduct Risk Framework?

Most industries have undergone regulatory overhauls over the past century; by my observation, none have done so more rigorously than the financial industry, which sometimes falls short of optimum self-regulation. Yet when you, as a business owner, build a culture that imposes self-regulation, you can reduce risk and build trust with your customers...

/regulation /wholesale Financial Risk Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Regtech enhanced version of Fintech !!!

Regtech” is defined as addressing regulatory requirement through technology to ensure regulatory compliance are met by Bank, Financial Institutions, Insurance companies, Central Banks and other market participants. Regtech are new startup technology companies competing with Fintech companies to ensure regulatory compliance issue are addressed via ...

/regulation /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Shailendra Malik

Shailendra Malik SVP - Tech Delivery (Data Platform) at DBS Bank

ICOs from innovation to abuse

In past 2 years market for ICOs have boomed like a wild flower and the flower is everywhere. Only later you’ll realize that it isn’t the flower it is the weed. The concept of ICO was noble and it was trying to avoid the bullying that was going on in the start-up funding markets by VCs and Angel investors. Before I start talking about VC bullying o...

/regulation Fintech innovation and startups

Breana Patel

Breana Patel CEO | Thought leader in Bank Risk & Regulations at Bonova Advisory | Risk &Regulatory Advisory

Digitizing Stress Testing

Running the stress tests now required of banks is tedious and expensive. But by digitizing — already common in other areas of banking — the quality of operations can be improved and cost savings introduced. Better and more efficient risk management — and easier management of the concurrent regulatory requirements now in place — is an area ripe f

/ai /regulation Business Knowledge for IT

Maxim Pertl

Maxim Pertl strategic business development DACH,Central Europe at Clearwater Analytics

New standards on the horizon for the new digital asset class

New initiatives to keep an eye on New York City, Aug. 29 2018 New standards on the horizon for the new digital asset class The new asset class, DAC or Digital Asset Class, is soon to become more mature with new initiatives paving the way towards standardization and transparency. The reasons are obvious to those handling digital assets daily – opera...

/regulation Data Management 101

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Bank App customers are right to worry about their Personal Data

This is an issue that has worried us for a while. For over 7 years we've been working in the Mobile Financial Services space and throughout that period we hear time and time again in our interactions with Banks & Payment experts etc, that Fraud is their Number One concern. Why is that? What is their expectation of Fraud, Loss or even Liability...

/regulation Data Management 101

Anjani Kumar

Anjani Kumar Principal Consultant - FS Risk & Compliance at Infosys Limited

AI and ML in Financial Services Compliance Management: Use Cases for the Regulators

“The real question is, when will we draft an artificial intelligence bill of rights? What will that consist of? And who will get to decide that?” — Gray Scott (futurist, techno-philosopher and amongst the world's leading experts in emerging technologies) In recent times, much has been written about and debated upon by industry and technology expert...

/ai /regulation

Matt Elton

Matt Elton Founder at RegTech Accelerator

GDPR: The Opportunity of the Decade

Three months have passed since the day GDPR came into effect, May 25th, 2018. The noise around new terms and conditions has died down, and astonishingly we are still non-European firms and web sites like the LA Times and the Chicago Tribune denying access to EU visitors on the basis of GDPR - one has to draw the conclusion that these firms have


Matthew Phillips

Matthew Phillips Head of Banking, UK and Ireland at Diebold Nixdorf

Worried about what’s next for banking security? The key should be in your DNA

No, I don’t mean that DNA testing or biometrics necessarily have to be part of every security system, for every financial services firm out there. What I do want to explore, is how financial services firms can strategise, and embed a commitment to security into their make-up. Doing this allows organisations to plan and prepare their response to thr...

/security /regulation

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