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4138 Results from /regulation

John Byrne

John Byrne CEO at Corlytics

Data analytics could be the key to making sense of principles-based regulations

Knowing the rules Principles-based regulation was introduced in 1990 by the Financial Services Authority, the UK’s financial services regulator at the time (since superseded by the FCA and PRA). The approach has since found widespread support among regulators elsewhere, adopted to varying degrees by those from the Hong Kong’s SFC to France’s AMF. ...

/ai /regulation Banking Regulations

Saloni Ramakrishna

Saloni Ramakrishna Author; Senior Director at Oracle

Navigating Regulatory demands - Industrialization, a win- win approach.

The word “Industrialization” brings to mind manufacturing Industry, particularly automobile Industry. It was the 1950s, faced with unprecedent change, automobile industry took to Industrialization that spelt a paradigm shift which impacted both their business and operating models. Banks are going through a similar phase of not just unprecedent cha...

/regulation Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Making sense of the Data Lake

Today, receiving and providing accurate data, is king. But rather than firms searching for more data, they are now looking at how best to store, access and manage the data that already exists. How can you tap into your data lake to not only meet regulatory requirements, but to also start innovating by applying that data in new and interesting ways...

/regulation Capital Markets Technology

Maxim Pertl

Maxim Pertl strategic business development DACH,Central Europe at Clearwater Analytics

GDACS Consortium: Enhanced transparency in the Digital Asset Class is the key to joint success

Reflecting on recent capital markets events, meetings and discussions in London, New York, Frankfurt, Paris, Zurich - almost everybody immediately understood the value created by standardization for the benefit of the newest of all asset classes: the DAC - the Digital Asset Class. The best thing that could happen to this asset class, is the natura...

/regulation Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Reghunathan Sukumara Pillai

Reghunathan Sukumara Pillai Consultant at Infosys

Whether mergers of public sector banks will solve the banking crisis in India ?

The nationalization of Banks in 1969 paved the way for growth of banking business in the country with improvement in economy. Banking was perceived as a lucrative white collar job with security and respectability in the society. Further nationalization of another set of banks happened in early 1980s considering the success of nationalization of B...

/regulation Banking Regulations

Anjani Kumar

Anjani Kumar Principal Consultant - FS Risk & Compliance at Infosys Limited

AI and ML in Financial Services Compliance Management: Use Cases for FIs

“Nobody phrases it this way, but I think that artificial intelligence is almost a humanities discipline. It's really an attempt to understand human intelligence and human cognition.” — Sebastian Thrun (innovator, computer scientist, and chairman & co-founder of Udacity) In an earlier article, where I had shared insights on artificial intelli...

/ai /regulation

Fabio Urso

Fabio Urso Director - Industry principal - CLM and KYC at Pegasystems

GDPR and Onboarding

Conforming to GDPR across the Customer Lifecycle One of the most talked about regulations in recent years has been GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). This EU law was adopted in April 2016 and came into force on 25th May 2018. As well as providing data protection and privacy rights to EU residents, it has wide reaching implications globally...

/regulation /wholesale Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

6 Pieces of Advice for Implementing Global Client Lifecycle Management

Implementing a Client Lifecycle Management program is strategically important. However, it is one that spans many different stakeholders across the business, bringing with it many obstacles and challenges to a streamlined implementation process. Having implemented CLM for 60+ financial institutions across the world, there are six key pieces of...

/regulation /inclusion Banking Regulations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Engaging end-users key when developing a risk management Graphical User Interface

It has been said that the role of a risk manager is not for the faint of heart. This is particularly true for those working in clearing houses, given the key role they play as central pillars of market stability. The importance of central clearing counterparties (CCPs) in financial markets has increased since the 2008 financial crisis. And as the ...

/regulation Fintech

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Danske Bank Scandal: Lessons From a Money Laundering Scandal

Danske Bank is in trouble with regulators, law enforcement, and perhaps most importantly, its clients and investors. And in the bank's woes lies a lesson for the rest of us; the world of finance today is so complicated that even with established AML/compliance programs in place, it's possible for criminals to exploit the banking or financial platf...


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