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4138 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

One year on and none the wiser

MiFID has achieved the rare feat of becoming a genericized trademark. In the same way that Xerox stands for copy machines in general, MiFID has turned into a synonym for all financial markets’ regulation. Thinking about its scorecard on its first birthday, whether MiFID II really is ground-breaking, or deserving remains debatable. However, there i...

/regulation /wholesale

Matt Smith

Matt Smith CEO at SteelEye

MiFID II - One Year On

We are close approaching the 1st anniversary of the most anticipated regulatory change in recent years – MiFID II. Sweeping into force on January 3, 2018 MiFID II brought with it a huge overhaul of the financial services industry that aimed to increase transparency, reduce costs for investors and clampdown on market misconduct in the financial ind...

/regulation Banking Regulations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The regulation vs competition debate: Is it time for new business models?

As Autumn turned to Winter and the Christmas tree went up, I’ve found myself daydreaming of a European holiday somewhere sunny. Maybe it’s the Instagram feed full of friends on a sojourn to Italy, France, or Germany, or the constant barrage of Premier League adverts on the NBC Networks (Let’s Go Gunners!), but earlier this year it was something el...

/payments /regulation Trends in Financial Services

Anna Kuzmina

Anna Kuzmina Expert at Fintech

Russia wants to adapt its payment laws to market reality

“Central Bank of Russia takes control over foreign payment systems and e-wallets”, “Alipay and WeChat Pay will be restricted in Russia”, “Russian Central Bank will strengthen regulation towards Apple Pay and Google Pay” — these were the business news headlines after new amendments to payment laws were introduced to the Russian government last week...

/payments /regulation Banking Regulations

Marc Gratacos

Marc Gratacos Founder and Managing Partner at TradeHeader

Product categorization

With the pressures around regulatory compliance only continuing to intensify, the critical role played in the reporting of financial transactions by product category codes has come into ever sharper focus. Product categorization involves comparing products that may be structurally very similar in 99% of their features – it is the remaining 1% that ...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Pushing forward against regulatory headwinds with artificial intelligence

Many regulations impact the way banks and financial services firms make commitments or conduct transactions with partners and customers. This means that they must find relevant contracts, review the affected language, and then make business decisions to revise or novate the contract, renegotiate commercial terms, or terminate to avoid non-compli

/ai /regulation Fintech

Sam Goffman

Sam Goffman Business analyst at Forex

Security Token Offering: analysis, problems and prospects

Considering the increasingly strict approach of regulators to tokens and cryptocurrencies in recent years, attracting investments through Security Token Offering (STO) is the next logical step for the industry as a whole and determines the course of its development towards a more civilized and transparent market. Security Token Offering involves ...

/regulation Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why improving cyber resilience starts with a better understanding of current capabilities

In a recent speech at Bloomberg, Megan Butler, Executive Director of Supervision at the FCA, described the threat level facing financial firms as ‘remarkable’. These comments were made in light of a new a report revealing that the root cause of nearly a fifth of operational incidents reported to the FCA in the last 12 months were cyber-related. ...

/security /regulation Information Security

Michael Kerman

Michael Kerman Marketing Executive at Self-Employed

Customer Screening is the DIY Project From Hell

Every year, without fail, many banks and financial institutions embark on internal projects to improve their compliance operations. And every year, also without fail, they stumble and get stuck. What is it about customer screening that makes it so hard for firms to do it themselves? On the surface, it ought to make sense for these organizations to...

/ai /regulation Financial Risk Management

Steve Wilcockson

Steve Wilcockson Product Marketing at Quantexa

Life After MiFID II

It's been a busy and fun Autumn on the London financial services conference circuit. I've been lucky enough to attend a healthy diversity of events with distinct though intersecting agendas. I've attended two alternative data events, both heady mixes of vendor/user speed-dating interspersed with panel discussions, one up-and-coming Quant event and...

/regulation MiFID

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