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Latest /regulation expert opinions

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Retired Member 

Compliance Cold Feet? The Evolving Payments and Blockchain Landscape

This week, three major regulated financial firms (PayPal, MasterCard, Visa) all reportedly are getting cold feet about their participation in the Libra Association project. Can anyone really be suprised after last month's policy moves? Consider: --As noted in this analysis on Medium over the summer, the revenue streams for the Libra Association r...

/regulation Blockchain Observations

Richard Warren

Richard Warren Partner at FirstPartner

Why PSD2 SCA is a Challenging Journey for the Travel Sector

The decision by many regulators not to enforce PSD2 Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) on electronic payments on 14th September has given valuable breathing space to e-commerce and payments players. However, the travel and hospitality sector will find compliance extremely challenging even with the benefit of proposed 18 month managed implementat...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

SEC Pulls Its Punches in ICO Enforcement Action

At the beginning of the week, a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) enforcement action generated attention mostly by levying a large fine ($24 million) in the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) sector. Many shrugged, seeing this as another example of regulatory hostility to cryptocurrency. The reality is more nuanced. The complaint itself is remar...

/regulation Blockchain Observations

Rolf Van Der Pol

Rolf Van Der Pol MD at i-KYC

Pakistan is not the only country where this can happen

This article ( published in ‘Dawn’ last year not only describes the K&K case clearly but at that highlights some of the underlying issues in Pakistan. A large informal economy, a tradition of sending money abroad and widespread use of hawala networks are the 3 basic factors. Then there’s a widespread use of


Mari-Anne Bayliss

Mari-Anne Bayliss Director, Payment and Fraud Solutions, EMEA at CyberSource, a Visa solution

The Merchant View: Let's Please All Agree on SCA Enforcement Timelines

Since the European Banking Authority (EBA) published its Opinion in June on the strong customer authentication (SCA) requirements of the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2), I've been thinking and talking about it with colleagues, peers and — especially — with merchants. In particular, we've been discussing the opportunity given to nationa...

/payments /regulation The future of Payments in Europe

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Remittance and migration trends within Africa

Africa has one of the world’s most mobile populations, and African nations account for a large and growing slice of the global remittance market. In 2018, the World Bank reported that remittances to sub-Saharan Africa grew by almost 10% to $46 billion. African migration has been rising steeply in recent years, fuelling the growth of cross-border f...

/regulation /inclusion Trends in Financial Services

Konstantin Rabin

Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik

Australia! The refuge of every Asian fintech company for the future

Far East Asia is slowly but surely becoming quite a heated market especially after the bastion of commerce, Hong Kong had to go through months of protesting and a display of political issues. The protests are still continuing as we speak as Hong Kongers continue to march in the streets to somehow win back the democracy they feel like they’re losing...

/regulation /startups Fintech

Julien Rey

Julien Rey Director, Derivatives Data & Valuation Services at IHS Markit

Disruption in the repo markets

The US repo market took center stage last Tuesday, September 17 when a confluence of factors temporarily slowed down banks' cash spigots and drove overnight repo rates to as high as 10%, which led the NY Fed to inject large amounts of cash into banks, through their overnight repo facility, not seen since the days following September 11, 2001. Unli...

/regulation Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

She or he who masters the DATA masters FRTB

“Data is King” has become an idiomatic phrase. Banks have an abundance of data, but the recent fines levied by the FCA against prominent UK banks for their failure to accurately report transactions under MIFID indicate that volume of data does not guarantee the fitness to deploy it. These MIFID reporting failures were centered on simple cash instr...

/regulation Banking Regulations

Eli Taranto

Eli Taranto Head of Global Business Development at EQIBank

Breaking the Taboo About Offshore Banking

Offshore banking has always carried an air of subversion about it, but following the release of the Panama Papers in 2016 the industry was catapulted into an entirely new and highly critical light. Since that stark revelation of hidden earnings and tax evasion, a shocking $1.2 billion in back taxes and penalties have been collected by governments ...

/regulation /wholesale Banking Regulations

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