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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Andrew Stevens

Andrew Stevens Global banking and financial services specialist at Quadient

Why banks' latest clash with the CMA proves the consumer is king

Last week, HSBC and Santander agreed, following CMA action, to refund customers after they both broke a legal order relating to unarranged overdrafts. Part 6 of the CMA’s Retail Banking Market Investigation Order means banks must send customers text alerts if they’ve exceeded their arranged overdraft limit, with banks unable to charge customers u...

/regulation /retail Banking Regulations

Michael Chambers

Michael Chambers Director | Head of Prudential at Wheelhouse Advisors

Record fine issued for governance and control failings over regulatory reporting

Yesterday, the UK arm of a large international banking group was fined £44 million for prolonged and pervasive shortcomings in its internal controls and governance arrangements around capital and liquidity adequacy and regulatory reporting. The record fine highlights the importance of regulated firms designing, implementing and operating appropria...

/regulation /retail Financial Services Regulation

Michael Chambers

Michael Chambers Director | Head of Prudential at Wheelhouse Advisors

A prudential end of year to-do list

With calendar year end right around the corner, now is a good time to think ahead about the annual review of your firm’s prudential governance arrangements. It’s a good time to sit down with a cup of coffee and reflect on the FCA’s consultation paper (or “CP”) from earlier this year; ‘Consultation 19/20: Our framework: assessing adequate financial...

/regulation Financial Services Regulation

Shirish Netke

Shirish Netke President at Amberoon

What is Agile Compliance ?

As more banks make headlines through failing to effectively monitor and report on money-laundering activity, we need to rethink the AML problem and the roadblocks to solving it. To restate the problem, we have $2T laundered through the banking system every year. About $25B is intercepted by law enforcement and $70B is spent by banks on AML. And yet...

/regulation Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Prasoon Mukherjee

Prasoon Mukherjee Director | Head of Securities Services | GSC-India at Societe Generale Bank

Accounting, Auditing and Blockchain. The common thread that binds the 3 is Triple Entry Accounting

Introduction: A background of accounting and auditing mis-governance, that’s hard to ignore: With sheer increase in the number of accounting scams that the industries have witnessed since early 2000, I have had this inner urge to bring this subject for more intensive debate. The last to hit a similar cord, is the recent issue of a whistle-blower, ...

/regulation Internal Auditors in Financial Services

Pete McIntyre

Pete McIntyre Financial Services Director at Planixs

Give thanks for the Federal Reserve: Intraday liquidity reflections

I’ve just come back from a week in New York and it was great to understand the latest thinking and progress on intraday liquidity in the US and Canada. As well as meeting up with industry colleagues across the city, I was chairing and presenting at a conference - Automation & Real-Time Treasury in Financial Institutions - which was very succes...

/regulation Treasury Management

Konstantin Rabin

Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik

China is on a mission to regulate Fintech

China has now publicly voiced its desire to be the leading country in financial technology development and adoption. The president of the republic openly called for the promotion of blockchain technology across the nation and proceeded to block all the negative opinions about blockchain throughout the Chinese cyberspace. But now the Chinese govern...

/regulation /inclusion Fintech

Konstantin Rabin

Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik

ESMA introduces TC-CCP classification system - Another move to block risky trades?

The European Securities and Markets Authority has introduced a new system that will classify Third Country Central Counterparties according to tiers. The tiers will be assigned to the CCPs according to their roles with a member state. What this means is that if, for example, South Africa continues its crucial fruit trade with the Netherlands, it w...

/regulation /inclusion MiFID

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Regulation is necessary in financial services but it should not come at the cost of innovation

Regulation in financial services is, of course, a fact of life. The period since the financial crisis has seen governments, central banks and regulators heap unprecedented attention upon the financial sector with the intention to make markets safer, more transparent and more competitive. This has resulted in swathes of regulation. A recent survey...


Konstantin Rabin

Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik

Kenya adopts a data protection law to bolster tech investments

Kenya just took a big step towards its tech development. On November 8th Kenyan president, Uhuru Kenyatta approved a data protection law that complies with European Union legal standards. This will finally allow Kenya to embrace its full potential when it comes to tech innovations and startups and to attract more investments in its information tec...

/regulation Financial Inclusion

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