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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Retired Member

Retired Member 

RegTech on the rise as FinTech seeks to remain compliant and competitive

Whilst lockdowns are being lifted in some parts of the world, few expect a return to pre-coronavirus norms. However, while work-life habits may have changed, in sectors such as FinTech working patterns were already much more flexible and fluid. Indeed, in financial services more broadly, rapid and transformative change is constant and has been give...

/regulation /covid-19 Financial Services Regulation

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd

The dangerous risk of interactions with regulation

Now is the time to challenge convention Our interactions with regulation play a ubiquitous and increasing role in the world economy. Individuals and organizations interact with regulation to ensure compliance and safeguard actions within firms, between firms and all the way through markets to the end consumer. Given the pervasive nature of interac...

/regulation /covid-19 Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Top Five Fintech Predictions for 2020

The last decade has been incredible for fintech, with advancements being made across a range of areas including retail banking, wealth management and, in particular, payments. To give some perspective, in 2019 we saw 64% of consumers worldwide using one or more fintech platforms, nearly twice the amount of those taking advantage of them just two y...

/payments /regulation Fintech

Retired Member

Retired Member 

COVID-19 analytics: the lesson for those involved in policy management

Contemporary government policy interventions are increasingly defined by data, indicators, and metrics. Furthermore, Data-driven ‘radical incrementalism’ methodologies devised by the now independent the UK’s Government Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) – which is now independent of the UK government – have been successfully used worldwide. BIT’s usu...

/regulation /covid-19 Data Management and Governance

Breana Patel

Breana Patel CEO | Thought leader in Bank Risk & Regulations at Bonova Advisory | Risk &Regulatory Advisory

Covid 19 and Future of Regtech

The use of specialized tech to help financial institutions meet heightened regulatory requirements — a.k.a. regtech — is poised to continue taking off this year. Given the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, the rate of adaptation is, like much else, unclear. Institutions may have to scramble while focusing on the immediate fallout of the pandemic, ...

/regulation /covid-19 Innovation in Financial Services

Gustav Korobov

Gustav Korobov Senior Sales Executive - Core Banking platform at Advapay

EU Fintech market overview: EMI and PI licenses obtained between Jan-May 2020, compared to 2019

During the past months, we have witnessed the slowdown of the economy. Many industries are being impacted, including financial services. Covid-19 has destabilized private capital markets, and investments in start-ups and new projects have substantially decreased. In Q1 2020 VC-backed fintech activity dropped to $6.1B across 404 deals, which result...

/regulation /startups Fintech

Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

Get back to basics with data to survive and grow in challenging times

The financial services industry is in unchartered territory as it attempts to plot a path through the current pandemic. Financial institutions are having to make big decisions at speed about how they operate and service customers during this challenging time, along with how they plan for a post COVID-19 world. At least with most decision makers wor...

/regulation /covid-19 Data Management and Governance

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Balancing Innovation and Regulation: Fintech Trends and Challenges

The financial services industry has been ruled by traditional banks for decades, but with the financial crash in 2008, regulation and microinspection paved the way for younger and more innovative competitors, leading to a new era of challenger banks. Driven by digital processes and new technology, and fuelled by the introduction of PSD2 regulation...


Adam Holden

Adam Holden Chief Executive Officer at NorthRow

5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive: Do We Need Rules or a Flexible Approach?

Businesses continue to face multiple challenges in achieving compliance with the requirements of the FCA and the 5th Money Laundering Directive (5th MLD), whilst running a tight and effective business. In all cases the aim is the same: to prevent crime whilst enabling genuine business, but the approach can seem rather different. In this article I ...


Claus Christensen

Claus Christensen CEO at Know Your Customer

The Agile Future of Digital Finance in Europe

The Digital Finance Outreach 2020 is an initiative launched by the European Union to better understand, foster and stimulate the FinTech ecosystem across the bloc. An essential part of the programme is a series of events – organised in collaboration with all Member States – aimed at engaging the community and preparing the new EU Digital Finance S...

/regulation /startups Fintech

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