385 Results from 2023, /payments
Steve Haley Director of Market Development and Partnerships at Mojaloop Foundation
Note: This post was drafted in collaboration with Mojaloop Community members. There is a global effort to reduce cross-border remittance costs to no more than 5% for any corridor and no more than 3% for most (SDG 10.c and G20 Roadmap targets). We have a long way to go to get there – and we hope the final fees are actually lower. These important go...
24 October 2023 /payments /inclusion Financial Inclusion
Darya Lyhach PR manager at Noda
Businesses call for more transparency in an increasingly interconnected world, especially regarding financial transactions. The roots of this demand can be traced back to a collective desire to optimize operational costs, boost cash flow, mitigate risks, and fundamentally foster trust. As international business endeavors burgeon, the emphasis on
24 October 2023 /payments Fintech
Anoop Gala EVP - Financial Services at Orion Innovation
The challenge facing the financial industry is how to adapt, evolve, and compete in a world where traditional financial systems and practices are no longer adequate. Disruptions in the form of new technology, regulatory pressure, and rising interest rates are forcing companies to rethink their strategies. It’s a future that’s both exciting and dau...
20 October 2023 /payments /cloud Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services
Francesco Fulcoli Chief Compliance and Risk Officer at Flagstone
Francesco Fulcoli – Chief Compliance Officer The Financial Conduct Authority recently conducted an extensive review of payment account providers' systems and controls against money mule activity, shedding light on both positive practices and areas that require enhancement. Money mules have emerged as a crucial component of fraudulent schemes, ena...
20 October 2023 /payments /crime Fintech
Sam Boboev Founder at Fintech Wrap Up
Financial technology, commonly known as fintech, has revolutionized the way we handle financial transactions and manage our money. Fintech refers to the innovative use of technology in delivering financial services, making them more accessible, efficient, and user-friendly. As a result, traditional banks are facing increasing competition from fint...
20 October 2023 /payments
Sergiy Fitsak Managing Director, Fintech Expert at Softjourn
Constructing your payment gateway offers various benefits and certain challenges. Before you embark on this endeavor, it's crucial to comprehend how developing a payment gateway from scratch can positively impact your business while also acknowledging the hurdles that may arise along the way. Advantages of Creating Your Payment Gateway Let's sta...
18 October 2023 /payments /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Dominic Broom SVP Working Capital Technology at Arqit
Dominic Broom, SVP Working Capital Technology, Arqit, explains why a very succinct piece of legislation is unlocking a transformative approach to trade and supply chain finance, and thereby injecting stability and working capital across end-to-end supply chains. For those involved in international trade, navigating the repercussions of recent glob...
18 October 2023 /payments /wholesale Treasury Management
Jamel Derdour CMO at Transact365 - www.transact365.io
In today's interconnected world, the ease and efficiency of cross-border financial transactions have become pivotal to businesses and individuals alike. The growth of global payouts has transformed the landscape of international commerce and personal finance. This article delves into the factors driving the growth of global payouts and their signi...
18 October 2023 /payments /markets Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Scott Dawson CEO at DECTA
Is a recession coming? Even a brief Google search on the word reveals dozens of articles that say unequivocally that there will be a recession. Although the press is reading tea-leaves to try to define when the recession will hit, businesses should be battening down the hatches. There are as many ways to do this as there are individual business...
18 October 2023 /payments /predictions Fintech
Mousser Rahmouni Head of Strategic Partnerships at Striga
In the realm of cryptocurrency, the terms "fiat on-ramps" and "fiat off-ramps" are common. A fiat off-ramp refers to platforms like websites or apps that allow users to buy cryptocurrency using fiat currency, such as purchasing Bitcoin with EUR. A fiat on-ramp is the converse; it is a platform where users can sell cryptocurre...
16 October 2023 /payments /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights
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