385 Results from 2023, /payments
Abhinav Paliwal CEO at PayNet Systems- A Neo Banking Software Platform
The world of fintech is constantly changing, and speed is the word of the game. The speed of creation, ease of maintenance, and flexibility to make agile changes are three critical criteria that can make or break the success of a digital wallet application in the fast-paced fintech sector. In this article, we'll look at how having a single code...
01 November 2023 /payments /inclusion Fintech World
Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions
People regularly complain that it's very hard to decipher bills and statements from banks. Rant from Quora: Why are the description info on Bank Account Statements so confusing? We cannot find what is the debit for and from whom the payment / transfer has come in. End of the month when you see the statement we have to break our heads to decipher t...
31 October 2023 /payments /retail
Pete Lord CEO and Co-founder at Codat
B2B payments is rapidly evolving as the new battleground for foreign exchange providers. It has the fruitful combination of delivering consistently high growth but remaining relatively untapped, as a significant chunk of business payments still flow through traditional banks. Growth in the B2B sector in FX payments widely outpaces other business ...
30 October 2023 /payments /predictions Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Andrea Varga Head of Innovation at Aryza
In the intricate landscape of receivables management, large companies find themselves navigating a complex web of financial obligations and diverse customer bases. The stakes are high, and the challenges are formidable. In this ever-evolving arena, a compelling shift in strategy is gaining prominence - the engagement of multiple Debt Collection Ag...
30 October 2023 /payments /wealth
Donica Venter Marketing coordinator at Traderoot
In recent years, Africa has witnessed substantial growth in its digital landscape, significantly altering the way people access financial services. Digital innovations, particularly in the domain of digital identity, have played a central role in extending financial access and fostering inclusion across the continent. In this discussion, we delve ...
30 October 2023 /payments /inclusion Digital Identity Management
Roberto Garavaglia Independent Advisor at Innovative Payments & blockchain Strategic Advisor
Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur known for ambitious ventures such as Tesla and SpaceX, has recently outlined extraordinary plans for X (formerly known as Twitter), vowing to radically transform the way we manage our financial lives. In this blog post, we delve into X's ambitions to become an all-encompassing financial platform, examining the ...
29 October 2023 /payments /crypto
Penny Townsend Co-Founder & CPO at Qualpay
When it comes to designing your website, it's crucial that you make your checkout page as convenient, simple, and seamless to navigate as possible for your customers. After all, the checkout page is where the rubber meets the road, you might say. That is, it's where customers ultimately decide to buy what you are selling. There are two types of ch...
26 October 2023 /payments /regulation The Payments Business
Supriya Dahiwelkar Principal Consultant-Payments at Delta Capita
On 28th June 2023, the European Commission announced the proposal for modernising payment services and opening financial services data with the aim of bringing payments and the larger financial sector into ‘the digital age’. This is a key step in the transition of the industry from Open Banking to Open Finance. Not surprisingly, this coincides perf...
26 October 2023 /payments /regulation
Sergiy Fitsak Managing Director, Fintech Expert at Softjourn
How has PSD2 affected the market, and will PSD3 be the answer to major problems in the industry? The evolution of PSD2 should certainly be on the minds of those in the finance industry. In a recent survey conducted by the Thales Group, it was found that 38% of users would consider switching their bank if another provider offered better rates or se...
25 October 2023 /payments /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Retired Member
The European Commission (EC) has adopted a legislative proposal on instant payments in euro, in the form of an amendment to the 2012 SEPA regulation. Although the draft regulation leaves some questions unanswered, the direction of travel is clear. This blog considers some of opportunities of instant payments and why banks should prepare now. We li...
25 October 2023 /payments /regulation
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