269 Results from 2012, /payments
Retired Member
For most of the paying public, going to see the latest James Bond movie ‘Skyfall’ is laden with expectation of action car chases, fights on the wings of aeroplanes - and of course gadgets! And, for me, it’s the gadgets that get me every time. But for this film I have a professional interest because James Bond will be using an NFC-enabled mobile in...
30 October 2012 /payments
Chris Principe CEO at APB, Inc.
Although advances have been made in global trade operational efficiencies, supply chain extensions across the world have led to increased financial impact for corporations, ultimately driving the banks to look to provide the benefits that merging cash and trade can provide. Within the bank, the trade person’s transaction base and documentary expe...
30 October 2012 /payments /wholesale Financial Supply Chain
Innovating to address the ever evolving needs of the customer will always be a matter of importance to banks, as they strive to deliver new services both faster and competitively priced. However, delivering robust transaction banking capabilities is fundamentally key for financial institutions to maintain a stable and sustainable business on behal...
30 October 2012 /payments /wholesale
The Sibos banners are out on the street in Osaka to warn the locals that thousands of bankers and vendors are about to descend on them for the week. The first ones have been here for a while – the ones who have to do the hard work of building the stands. The vendors who will be doing booth duty have already begun arriving too. Osaka isn’t serve...
27 October 2012 /payments /sibos
Within trade finance, challenges exist for the big, experienced players as well as the newer entrants. Banks are eager to service and attract new customers with trade instruments, yet the service models and financing is complex and potentially risky. Big data a big topic across the financial industry, offers the potential to capitalize on the info...
26 October 2012 /payments /sibos
Jim Marous Publisher at The Financial Brand
As consumers are becoming more comfortable with mobile banking and mobile payments, financial institutions and technology providers are beginning to develop and deploy more innovative solutions with a focus on gaining market share, reducing costs and realizing new sources of revenue. It is clear that the question is no longer whether mobile bankin...
26 October 2012 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
“The successful financial services providers of the future will be customer centric organisations”. How many times have you heard that recently? How many times have you heard that over the last several years! For me being customer centric means putting the customer at the centre of everything an organisation seeks to achieve. The base point in that...
26 October 2012 /payments
The financial services industry has not faced so many difficulties since The Great Depression in the 1930s. The combined pressures of government legislation, regulation and low levels of customer trust are putting a spotlight on banks’ reputation and profitability. A wave of start-ups is looking to capitalise on this ‘anti-bank’ sentiment, with the...
25 October 2012 /payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
Snippets from multistake holder meeting “· The European Council called for actions to encourage the uptake of e-invoicing in the EU and the European Parliament issued a resolution which calls for making e-invoicing mandatory in public procurement by 2016. Einvoicing is seen as a potential source of significant savings for European public authoritie...
25 October 2012 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research
The explosion in members of social media sites shows no sign of slowing down and with Twitter now well established and introducing further expansion, the time may soon be with us when all the world’s population will be connected. There is of course quite a moral argument about privacy and the risks that multilateral connectivity can bring, not lea...
23 October 2012 /payments EBAday
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