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EU - to save tax payer's money

Snippets from multistake holder meeting

“· The European Council called for actions to encourage the uptake of e-invoicing in the EU and the European Parliament issued a resolution which calls for making e-invoicing mandatory in public procurement by 2016.

Einvoicing is seen as a potential source of significant savings for European public authorities.

· Several Member States made e-invoicing already mandatory in public procurement. There is also a solid basis for possible action at European level: the Communication "Reaping the benefits of electronic invoicing for Europe" (COM(2010)712), the Directive on the common system of value added tax (Council Directive 2010/45/EU), the Communication "A strategy for e-procurement"
(COM (2012)179) and the existing projects PEPPOL and E-prior.”

Wasting tax payer's money until 2016 sounds like a bad idea - especially as so many countries already have moved to mandatory e-invoicing and US and Canada will do so this year.

In any case - time for banks to move in - payback time in many cases...Without their contribution migration will take far to long and be very expensive.


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Bo Harald

Bo Harald

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