218 Results from 2008, /payments
Retired Member
I think that the biggest threat banks face is lack of trust and ethics. Payments are based on trust. Consumers will be looking hard for alternatives. There will be plenty. Payments is only part of it. Consumer credit is next. There's more...
30 September 2008 /payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services
There is no doubt that transaction banking is growing. But is this growth straight forward and all-round… or are there some undercurrents. Let us look at some developments - AIB and Barclays outsourced Trade processing to ABN a few years back. Trade finance outsourcing has become common now with a number of banks & vendors offering this servic...
28 September 2008 /payments /wholesale Transaction Banking
That title is actually one of Javelin Strategy & Research's News Item : http://www.javelinstrategy.com/2007/11/02/every-new-idea-looks-crazy-at-first-attention-e-bankingpayments-product-or-security-managers-ready-or-not-customer-controlled-accounts-are-coming/ In another Javelin's news item, James Van Dyke stated : "....on this subject is ...
27 September 2008 /security /payments Trends in Financial Services
I have to question the ROI on Visa's investment into an Android application, although I suppose now it's do everything or die for them. There have been some questions asked as to whether banks should really be investing in NFC and effectively strengthening the card brands, albeit temporarily. I would tend to advise that they should not. Cards are ...
27 September 2008 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Roy McPherson
If like me you attended the Sibos Vienna Conference your liver will by now be just about moving along the path to recovery, and in the meantime I have the opportunity to reflect on a very hectic week. I went to the conference with an open mind, ready for discussion, full of anticipation, but with market events over the weekend when Sibos opened i...
25 September 2008 /payments /regulation Operational Risk Management
Did you know that about 50% of online shopping carts are abandoned at checkout?* Research has shown 41% of online shoppers think that the check-out process is too long.** Even those shoppers who are willing to spend the time and take the risks providing personal financial information to every internet shopping site would probably like payment to ...
23 September 2008 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Nick Hastings
As part of their global tour to promote their new album 'Power Shakes and Super Congas' Sex Panther touched down in Vienna to rock the Hofburg. Despite a few technical problems and working with a reduced set the boys banged out a sterling cover of the Queen Classic 'Don't Stop Me Now'. If you missed the gig or were there but were over-powered by th...
23 September 2008 /payments /wholesale Finextra@Sibos
Well, I'm glad APACS pointed out that the rise in 'take-up' is because of making it mandatory for cardholders. Not all merchants use these solutions, so the security coverage for cardholders is quite spotty. It's also understandable that consumers complain because both these solutions make it quite easy for fraudsters to phish cardholders out of th...
22 September 2008 /security /payments Trends in Financial Services
Now we are all back in the office, it is timely to reflect on last week at Sibos, momentous by any measure. The Closing Plenary certainly caught the mood, but interwoven throughout that session was a theme which we all need to take away from Vienna. Lazaro said in his introduction that "we meet here . . . to collaborate, to collaborate, and t...
22 September 2008 /payments /sibos Finextra@Sibos
Matt White North America editor at Finextra
Mick Jagger is joining a load of industry bods - including Steve Jobs - to draw up a report on barriers to e-commerce within the EU. He was asked to help out after taking part in a roundtable discussion on the subject in Brussels earlier this week. The report comes as the EU looks to make it easier for people to buy online across national borders. ...
19 September 2008 /payments /retail Whatever...
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