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EU to break down e-commerce borders

The European Union (EU) is set to introduce new rules that will crack down on e-commerce companies that conduct business across member states but force customers to make purchases on country-specific...

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Jagger wants e-commerce satisfaction

Mick Jagger is joining a load of industry bods - including Steve Jobs - to draw up a report on barriers to e-commerce within the EU. He was asked to help out after taking part in a roundtable discussion on the subject in Brussels earlier this week.

The report comes as the EU looks to make it easier for people to buy online across national borders. Jagger will apparently focus on music downloads and the rights and licensing problems they throw up.

I'm sure Mick will try his best but, as he well knows, you can't always get what you want.

More in the Guardian.



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Matt White

Matt White

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27 Nov 2006



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