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4854 Results from /payments

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why Do Checks Still Dominate B2B Payments in NA? Cont'd

Why do companies continue to pay by check? In part three of the series, “The Top 5 Reasons Why Checks Still Dominate B2B Payments” I explore the challenges associated with bringing about process change. Reason #3 - Process Change. The migration from paper to electronic payments will lead to process change and anyone who has tried to introduce bus...

/payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Rapidly growing E-Invoicing adoption rates

Snippets (emphasis mine) from Bruno Koch newsletter “Market development in 2010 was very dynamic, although I was somewhat over-optimistic in the case of Italy and Spain. I assumed that the Italian legislation (making electronic invoices compulsory for the public sector) would be ratified immediately. In Spain, while the suppliers’ obligations to...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Bob Lyddon

Bob Lyddon Consultant at Lyddon Consulting Services

Anonymous e-invoicing

Hello, anonymous! It is interesting that you feel the need to remain anonymous when taking issue publicly with a representative of the "Innovation" space. Is it career-threatening to do so? My opinion is that for 10 years we have confused "Innovative" with "Useful" in this industry; the publicity space is clogged with...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

LEI - the biggest little change in history?

Sometimes little things can mean a very great deal indeed. For people who work in the world of standards – whether for data, IT or just a plug in the wall – little things can have a massive impact. Data standards are like that. Changing the format of just one field can mean changing almost every application system that you run or have to work w...


Tim Tyler

Tim Tyler Product Manager at Misys

What do you use to pay a credit card thief?

As I read this piece about a teenage cybercrime forum founder being jailed, the above thought came in to my head - "what do the credit card thieves use to pay each other online?". Assume they can't use plain old cash, because all of the credit card numbers are being bought and sold through the internet - so there must be another payment ...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Direct debit or e-invoice, big confusion

Today I spoke with my account about e-invoice. As I would like to use e-invoice as much as possible, there are some obstacles which annoys me quite a lot. Even in Finland, where we have everything structured, some invoice operators are not discussing with each other, not even technical level and that confuses not only me but my account company. Th...

/payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Germany storming ahead Making it simple for the SMEs is the key. And certainly by now clear that equal treatment with ordinary business controls is the base irrespective of the form of invoice. To make it clear - think smal...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Searching questions needed

1. Do we in EU – widely enough - realize that preserving the living standards of today and having more to share to those who need help - is totally dependent on how competitive our enterprises are? 2. Do we – widely enough - realize that markets are global and open and Europe is not faring well in the competition? Exporting both jobs and high te...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Save 50-75bn with e-procurement

Deutsche Bank report: “There is huge savings potential – but beware of outlandish claims. A conservative back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that a full switch to e-procurement may save between EUR 50 to 75 bn on public procurement in the EU per year. On top of that are increases in transparency and public accountability which are arguably t...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Andy Hunter

Andy Hunter CEO at Perficiam Ltd

The innovative world of UK payments

UK politicians often accuse the banks of failure to innovate in payments. The UK Payments Council was at least partly created and empowered to change this position but has so far failed to make its presence felt. So what's gone wrong? Firstly, the basic premise is deeply flawed. The UK payments industry is very innovative. Over the last twenty y

/payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services

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