218 Results from 2008, /payments
Retired Member
Conventional wisdom says that if merchants will just comply with PCI (payment card industry data security standard), then crooks will not steal card data from merchants. Under this wisdom, the US Federal Trade Commission has been punishing merchants like TJX. However, I don't see how PCI compliance would have stopped this POS terminal hack. The te...
15 October 2008 /security /payments
Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research
The part nationalisation of UK banks looks like it will become a global phenomenon with the US already moving towards this solution and the EU following suit if weekend reports are accurate. Is this a bad thing for the tax payer? Despite what tax payers feel about greedy bankers and their reckless use of our money, the salvation of the banks is cru...
14 October 2008 /payments /retail SEPA and European Payments
The All Party Parliamentary Group's report on bank and credit account fraud highlights the growing threat to existing accounts. Equally concerning is the misuse of accounts through Direct Debit fraud, which is recognised by banks and corporate organisations as a growing problem. These threats highlight the importance of establishing bank customers...
10 October 2008 /security /payments
Now I know this might be a small issue in the whole scheme of the global financial meltdown but HSBC seems to be plummeting to new depths of desperation. Only this week, I learnt how HSBC has been harassing, a recently graduated student, initially once a week over the past three weeks but more recently, this has increased to daily phone calls. A
09 October 2008 /payments /retail SEPA and European Payments
Nick Ogden Chairman at Ogden Research
With the announcement that Lloyds TSB is adding the functionality to transfer funds via SMS through its mobile banking service, it’s starting to look like the industry may need to consider new authentication solutions that operate in the mobile space. Juniper Research predicted that in five years time around 2 billion mobile users will have bough...
08 October 2008 /payments Online Banking
One thing I recollect from the Great Depression (through the eyes of my grandfather) is that cash was king. Fortunately he taught me how to catch and skin a rabbit, which apparently may become a useful skill again. Will we see a trend to return to cash? 'Glitches' in electronic transaction systems may not inspire confidence in a nervous market. I ...
06 October 2008 /payments Whatever...
Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra
Barclaycard has unveiled a new logo and visual identity. It is a break from the logos used by the bank during the last four decades, which had been designed to be seen on the traditional plastic card. Says Anthony Jenkins, Barclaycard CEO: "Our new identity expresses where we see the future, freeing the chip on the credit card from the constra...
02 October 2008 /payments /retail
"One of APACS' key responsibilities is co-ordinating a whole range of activities to tackle payment-related fraud" Does this mean that there's work for APACS as long as there is payment fraud? I ask this because its truly confusing to alert APACS of a solution to payment fraud and there simply is no reaction on their part. What do they mea...
01 October 2008 /security /payments Trends in Financial Services
Because they can, for the very same reasons that Visa (accepted everywhere) dominates over any instrument only accepted locally including cash currency. Mobile transactions will be the 'accepted anywhere, don't leave home without it' solution for purchasing either in-store or on the net for the vast majority of consumers within 5 to 10 years. Only ...
30 September 2008 /payments Whatever...
As world is getting flatter and shopping global, e-payments will be increasing. There will be a trend where payment industry is heading. One is global payments, where credit card based solutions will dominate. Other path is local solutions for e-payments. For example in Finland over 70 % of online shopping is done wth local bank based e-payments. ...
30 September 2008 /payments
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