385 Results from 2023, /payments
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
An often repeated experience on my journey has been that one thing leads to another, which leads to another and so it goes. You may have a hunch about what these may add up to - but seldom a very clear picture or a plan. So get going - and start with what many need often (preferably same logic, user experience and tool) at home and at work - and ke...
05 January 2023 /payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services
Austin Talley Founder and CEO at Everyware
The world of payments has undergone significant transformations over the last decade, especially with the pandemic. As it grows more complex, companies require customized solutions to help accelerate revenue and forge lasting relationships with customers or clients. It is essential for businesses to break from a holding pattern and explore benefic...
05 January 2023 /payments /predictions
Craig Brightly Head of Sales & Account Management - Europe at Trust Payments
The imminent Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 created significant disruptions for tourism. Many businesses closed, and the hospitality and travel sectors came to a halt. The pandemic had a substantial impact on businesses in this sector where cash was a relatively common means of payment. As a way of aiding social distancing, card payments were encourage...
04 January 2023 /payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Neil Ambikar CFO at Narvi Payments
Back in 2016 when I first started my first Fintech, we used the concept of virtual bank accounts to innovate in the corporate treasury space by getting rid of reconciliation processes, and fully automating treasury and accounting processes. using APIs and unlimited IBANs. We talked to 100s of corporate clients and presented our solution at many F...
03 January 2023 /payments /startups Digital Banking Trends
The first rung in the mobile services ladder was the word syntheziser for pushbutton telephone payments created in -82. Once mobile phones - the next rung - started to appear you could use them to make wireless payments. An advertisement has a man sitting on the ice - fishing with a bulky Nokia drag-around mobile phone next to him. The next rung ...
01 January 2023 /payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services
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