362 Results from 2021, /payments
Laura Francis Head of Brand and Marketing at Form3
Implementing technical change will always incur risks. But, by putting the right measures in place will ensure that these are kept to a minimum. In their latest report, the Financial Conduct Authority looked into why change related incidents are consistently one of the top causes of failure and operational disruption and highlighted the key ingre...
04 May 2021 /payments /cloud Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Simon Wilson MD, Transaction Automation at valanticFSA
As competition in payments has increased, data has long been touted as the cure-all for incumbent banks. If banks could charge a transaction fee for every time they are told that ‘data is the new oil’, then there would be no need to worry about competing. But the inconvenient truth is that despite the vast amount of customer data that banks sit on...
04 May 2021 /payments
Paul Christensen CEO at Previse
Last year the world moved from paying lip service to digitisation to relying on it. If we are to fully embrace the benefits of digitisation then we need to leverage technology to implement strategic and sustainable change. This starts at the very top. Earlier this year, the UK Government confirmed £800 million in funding for its ‘blue-skies’ Advan...
04 May 2021 /payments /inclusion Fintech
Retired Member
There are over 163 million payment cards in circulation in the UK, including credit, debit and commercial cards (b2b). These payment instruments are the main staple for banks, as everyday usage drives volume-based income for these institutions. Cards is also a significant growth market for financial services providers, as transaction volumes cont...
30 April 2021 /payments
Sean Salloux CEO at Sentinel Digital
The Bank of England has announced its plans to develop “Britcoin,” but how will it be used and what are its potential benefits to business? The Bank of England and HM Treasury recently announced plans to create a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). This is potentially the first step for a digital currency issued by the Bank of England that would...
29 April 2021 /payments /crypto Fintech
Oscar Perez Manager at Be | Shaping the Future
COVID-19 has changed the way consumers and businesses shop. The shift from physical to online sales has been significantly accelerated, with the e-commerce proportion of total sales increasing by nearly as much in one year as it had in the previous decade (see US data in the below graph as an example). Both B2C (Business-to-Consumer) and B2B (Busi...
28 April 2021 /payments /predictions Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Gustav Korobov Senior Sales Executive - Core Banking platform at Advapay
We have analysed different new events, regulations, developments and partnerships in fintech and banking and come up with six trends happening in the next eight months you should certainly keep in mind. Backing down with Fee-free banking When it comes to banking, the fee trend generally moves in one direction, and it is up. We are seeing many early...
27 April 2021 /payments /wholesale Fintech
Anna Oleksiuk FinTech Practice Lead at Intellias
Could we have predicted the dethroning of cash in early 2019? Perhaps. But in 2020, multiple tell-tale signs has indicated that in the payments world, cash no longer reigns supreme. The volume of non-cash retail transactions has been growing consistently since 2017 in mature APAC markets (estimated 10% CARG through 2022) and developing economies...
26 April 2021 /payments /covid-19 Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Vivek Dubey Senior Manager at Capgemeini
FinTech has a Midas touch and since the 2020 crisis, it has redefined the Gaming Industry. We have arrived in the era of FinTech driven Gaming Industry. Let us try to look at few numbers, in one estimation, 2020 the global gaming market had an approximate net value of 167.9 Billion USD. This value is expected to grow to 287.1 Billion USD within th...
25 April 2021 /payments /predictions Fintech
Brett Turner CEO & Founder at Trovata
What seemed unthinkable a year ago, Bitcoin (BTC) has found its way onto corporate balance sheets. Square, Tesla, and MicroStrategy have all made significant investments in Bitcoin (BTC) in recent months. And as the price of BTC soared to an all-time high of over $58k in late February, those decisions were rewarded. Even when it proceeded to plun...
23 April 2021 /payments /crypto
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