224 Results from 2016, /payments
Retired Member
The secret to successfully managing remote teams is in recognizing that it’s more a leadership role than a manager one. Too often I find that managers try to manage remote teams as if they were locally based and it doesn’t work. Remote teams need to have more attention and more support than locally based teams. You have to compensate for the lack...
02 March 2016 /payments Trends in Financial Services
When I was a student my mother presented me with a note that her father had given her as a child, She said ‘It’s German and it’s worth a thousand marks’. As you’ve probably gathered it was a 1000 Reichsmark note dated April 1910 and therefore literally ‘not worth the paper it’s written on’. I still have the note. I use it as a bookmark and hav...
28 February 2016 /payments
As a British person attending the ATMIA Conference in New Orleans this week, I find myself feeling that the US is a society divided by extreme views. With the impending US elections I have heard people “discussing” in often heated tones the rights and wrongs of democrats vs republicans or vice versa. There’s the ever present highly emotional debat...
25 February 2016 /payments
Over the last few years, venture capital funds have poured billions into fintech and the frustrated investment bankers and traders that launched the sector. But how close are we really to the complete disruption of the banking sector? I believe that we are a lot further away from a full disruption than the media, conference organisers and thought-...
19 February 2016 /payments
Following the global economic downturn of 2008 and the consequent negative impact on public finances, governments globally intensified efforts to identify process and back office inefficiencies. A process that has driven a wide range of national and international initiatives to mandate compulsory ‘e-Invoicing’ automation across the public sector -...
17 February 2016 /payments /regulation
Saurabha Sahu Senior Solution Consultant at Wipro Limited
In continuation of my previous blog on Blockchain: Need of Future for Financial Industry, let us now try to understand one more path breaking revolution in the field of Accounting and Ledger maintenance. This will provide a better and efficient way of fund settlement between two parties domestically as well as internationally, where Foreign Curren...
16 February 2016 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Benjamin Thorpe Director at Glory
Nothing in life is free – certainly not money. You can argue that all forms of payment have a cost associated with them in one way or another but unlike many of the new payment propositions out there, you still know where you stand with cash. The ever-increasing array of payment technologies on offer can easily lead to confusion for both the consum...
16 February 2016 /payments
In 2010, Square was still the new kid on the block. With a model focused on micromerchant processors, you may have thought Square wasn't going after your market. If you cared about it at all, it was probably as an idle curiosity. After all, Square was just a fresh faced upstart in the neighborhood where you've been doing business for years. The pr...
15 February 2016 /payments
Rich Wagner CEO at APS
When the banking system – and payments infrastructure in particular – was created, there was no consideration that anyone other than the banks would require access to it. How times have changed. With the UK's history of sophisticated financial services, it is unsurprising that we are now firmly on the global map for FinTech innovation. As the sayin...
13 February 2016 /payments /retail
In today’s global economy, the information shared across various entities and industries have to be 100% accurate secure and transparent. This requires a robust, secure data transmission through a defect free network. Financial data is the backbone of any Organization. The financial Institutions are leveraging the secure and robust communication ch...
12 February 2016 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
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