224 Results from 2016, /payments
Graham Seel Principal Consultant at BankTech Consulting
It struck me today that a brief history of booking and paying for taxis provides quite a nice illustration of what’s happened to payments over the past 20 years or so. Here’s my experience. Evolution 1980s: hailed or booked a taxi (from my home phone or a callbox), went where I wanted to go, kept an eye on the meter, and paid with cash. 1990s: same...
11 June 2016 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Retired Member
Merchants, consumers, banks all stand to benefit from faster payments. But are they ready? The UK e-commerce market is Europe’s largest and is set to reach £90 bn before 2020 (up from £60 bn in 2015). But while e-commerce grows, the preferred consumer payment mechanisms are changing. The Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) will come into force in t...
09 June 2016 /payments /regulation
Four Types of Regulation After having lived and worked in the US, UK, Switzerland, Japan and India, I have formed a view that each country's approach to regulation mirrors how we chastise kids in the family for saying stupid things at the dinner table. Here's how: American regulation (Prescription): Go to your room. British Regulation (Collective ...
08 June 2016 /payments
As the European eCommerce market continues its meteoric rise, we spend an increasing proportion of our time looking at how to accommodate the diverse payment preferences of European consumers. Our merchant clients raise questions like: “How do German consumers pay online, which payment types should I accept in The Netherlands, and can Italians use...
07 June 2016 /payments /retail
Ainsley Ward Vice President, Payments Solutions at CGI
I was reading an article a few days ago on the plateau of ebook reader sales and the slow retreat back to paper (here), and of course this lead my thoughts back to our own industry – particularly the nonsensical cheque lobbyists. However, does this harking back to a bygone era of paper banking reveal a bad case of Technodazzle in our industry? Tec...
06 June 2016 /payments Trends in Financial Services
Anish Kapoor CEO at AccessPay
ROBOTS ARE NOT TAKING OVER — Anish Kapoor, CEO AccessPay ‘Doing more with less‘ is a catchy phrase which is being bandied about a lot in this economy. For it to work, companies need to act strategically and ultimately think more along the lines of ‘doing more, by manually doing less’. By this, we mean less pointless, mundane, labour-intensive tasks...
06 June 2016 /payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Are you sure you want to do this? Richa, my wife asked as I shared my idea to undertake an experiment in which I will stop using cash and instead use only digital forms of payment. Colleagues said going cashless in India is difficult and that I wouldn’t be able to manage more than a week. All this and the fundamental question “As a believer in digi...
05 June 2016 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Robert Schneider Corporate Business EMEA at SWIFT
There continues to be a great deal of talk about “disruption” and the speed at which the hi-tech revolution is impacting the financial services industry. Financial services players underpin the world of commerce and touch every business and consumer around the world in one way or another, the idea of “disruption” can be quite alarming. However, giv...
03 June 2016 /payments
Before I answer, let me ask you if you’ve noticed like me that the European Commission has gone very quiet about the referendum. Cameron has stepped up the rhetoric but is not putting anything new on the table just countering Brexit arguments and Osborne – has he gone on holiday? Brexit have toned back their more salacious arguments and the prom...
31 May 2016 /payments /regulation Trends in Financial Services
I read two interesting articles in the press last week. One stated that the Dutch are to abolish cash payments for public transport, the other, quoting a report from UK Payments, stated that debit cards are expected to overtake cash as the most popular payment form in the UK by 2021. It went on to say that while in that year there will be over 1...
31 May 2016 /payments
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