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740 Results from /markets

Edvards Margevics

Edvards Margevics Co-partner at CONCRYT

How Project Agora is Set to Revolutionise Global Transactions

The important of cross-border payments cannot be underestimated. They are essential for facilitating international trade, promoting economic growth, supporting globalisation and enhancing financial inclusion, driving innovation. Combined, these factors contribute to a more dynamic and interconnected global economy. With this in mind, the launch o...

/regulation /markets

Steve Sabin

Steve Sabin SVP, Division Executive, Lending at FIS

The time is now to digitize syndicated commercial lending

In case you hadn’t noticed, technology has made huge advances over the last 10 to 15 years. In all that time, however, the commercial loan syndication market has resisted the pressure to digitally transform. Until recently, there’s been enough profit margin to support the heavily manual, labor-intensive processes that still underpin syndicated lend...

/markets /predictions Banking and Lending Solutions

Alastair Watson

Alastair Watson Managing Director at TNS

Should Banks Outsource Financial Trading Infrastructure?

As we move through 2024, the costs for operating and maintaining an efficient, resilient, and performant trading infrastructure continue to rise. At the same time, banks need direct, fast, and reliable access to global markets, on a network that provides the necessary levels of performance, security, availability and resiliency across a global foo...

/people /markets Fintech

Guy Melamed

Guy Melamed CEO at Exberry

Is 24/7 Trading Really On The Cards?

We could potentially be seeing a transformative shift in the world of financial markets, as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) seems to seriously be considering 24/7 trading. NYSE’s data team recently released a survey assessing the demand and feasibility of such a model, with questions focusing on preferences for overnight trading, investor prote...

/markets Capital Markets Technology

Jamel Derdour

Jamel Derdour CMO at Transact365 / Nucleus365

Exploring the Growth of Digital Payments in Latin America

Latin America, a region renowned for its vibrant culture, diverse landscapes, and rich history, is undergoing a profound transformation in the realm of payments. With the rapid advancement of technology and the increasing adoption of digital solutions, the payments landscape in Latin America is experiencing unprecedented growth, reshaping the way ...

/payments /markets Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Guy Melamed

Guy Melamed CEO at Exberry

“Nobody gets fired for buying IBM”

The phrase "Nobody gets fired for buying IBM" has been a steadfast mantra in the tech industry, underscoring the inclination to choose established, reliable vendors to sidestep blame when issues arise. Twenty years ago, everyone knew that choosing reputable brands, such as IBM, was the way to go. Yet, they were slow to implement and didn...

/markets Capital Markets Technology

Eldad Tamir

Eldad Tamir Founder and CEO at FINQ

The importance of real-time market data in modern investment decisions

In the rapidly evolving world of finance, real-time market data has become crucial to making informed investment decisions. This type of data provides immediate insights into market trends and the impacts of global events, offering a significant competitive edge. Introduction The financial landscape is undergoing a transformation, driven by rapid...

/ai /markets Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Max Koretskiy

Max Koretskiy Investor, Cо-Founder at Blackshield Capital Group

Five Fundamental Characteristics of Attractive Investment Stocks

Traditionally, when considering the topic of investments in stocks of public companies, we focus on the trends of the American stock market, as the largest and liquid market in the world. It is a key arena for investors due to its wide diversification, technological innovation and strict regulation. Since the beginning of 2024, the US economy and ...

/wealth /markets Analytics in Banking

Julia Khandoshko

Julia Khandoshko CEO at Mind Money

Adaptation to the New Market Paradigm Is a Key for Asset Managers to Prosper

In 2023, asset managers saw record gains, exemplified by J.P. Morgan's asset and wealth management business, which reported $3.4 trillion in assets under management, a 24% increase from the previous year, totalling $656 billion. Despite last year's strong performance, the looming question for 2024 is how asset managers will adapt to the current h...

/wealth /markets

Jamel Derdour

Jamel Derdour CMO at Transact365 / Nucleus365

The Future of Open Banking: Unleashing Financial Innovation in the UK and Europe

In recent years, the financial industry in the UK and Europe has undergone a significant transformation driven by a number of factors including the advent of open banking. This innovative approach to banking not only promises greater convenience for consumers but also spurs innovation, and facilitates financial inclusion. As open banking continues...

/payments /markets Open Banking

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