
Max's blog archive

2024 (6)
Max Koretskiy

Max Koretskiy

Investor, Cо-Founder at Blackshield Capital Group
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Whom Will Millennials Give Their $84 Trillion To?

04 Jul 2024

Twenty-five years in the financial market – is it a lot or a little? It depends. For classic investment banks with a hundred-year history, this is not a term. For fintech startups, neobanks that draw strength and motivation from a rapidly changing reality, this is an eternity. Nevertheless, for both the former and the latter, the next 25 years wil...

Analytics in Banking

Five Fundamental Characteristics of Attractive Investment Stocks

18 May 2024

Traditionally, when considering the topic of investments in stocks of public companies, we focus on the trends of the American stock market, as the largest and liquid market in the world. It is a key arena for investors due to its wide diversification, technological innovation and strict regulation. Since the beginning of 2024, the US economy and ...

Financial Risk Management

What is the new standart of the investment market?

02 May 2024

In recent years, financial markets have faced a phenomenon known as the “new standart”. This concept describes economic and market conditions that seemed abnormal and caused panic in the market, but have now become part of the everyday reality for investors and analysts. What are the main characteristics that define the “new normal” and how do the...

Trends in Financial Services

How digitalization and generation change are driving the development of the wealthtech industry

22 Apr 2024

The world of investment and asset management is entering a new era where traditional methods are gradually giving way to innovative technological solutions. This transition, drive not only by technological progress, but also by a change in investor generations, requires the industry to adapt to new realities. This includes stimulating the rapid de...