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842 Results from /inclusion

Alfred Hannig

Alfred Hannig Executive Director at Alliance for Financial Inclusion

FinTech: What is the Promise for Financial Inclusion?

Around the world, emerging financial technology companies (FinTechs) are disrupting the finance industry. They affect how we save, borrow, make payments and transfer money, both domestically and internationally. They can better address customer needs through enhanced accessibility, convenience and tailored products. This impressive success of FinT...

/inclusion Financial Inclusion

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Celebrating the Millennial Banking Takeover

“I confess. I’m a Millennial.” claimed an eminent Thought Leader in the banking and financial services space as looks of astonishment were exchanged by Senior Executives and CXOs in a boardroom of a leading global corporation. Times Square stood squarely in the background, bearing testimony to the changing times. The “uninspired” discussions that ...

/retail /inclusion Millennial Banking

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Today's Banks Need a Millennial Banking Technology Framework

There was a time when traditional banks were the only institutions customers relied on for exchanging currencies of loyalty and trust. The Great Recession robbed them of their standing and a Millennial generation —that was silently mushrooming — of their faith in them. Millennials slunk in despair at the hard times that beset them and their famili...

/retail /inclusion Finance 2.0

Jonathan Westley

Jonathan Westley Chief Data Officer, Experian UK & EMEA at Experian

Developing digital mortgages with customers in mind

Today’s customer expects to be able to access the products and services they want with the push of a button. This includes a wide range of financial products available on digital platforms. Research shows that millennials in particular are increasingly trusting when it comes to technology. Even when it comes to mortgages they are driving digitalisa...

/inclusion Digital Banking Trends

Graham Seel

Graham Seel Principal Consultant at BankTech Consulting

Linking Savings Groups to the Formal Financial Sector

Financial Inclusion efforts for the world’s poorest people have particularly focused on urban areas, and have had some success. But there is a tremendous relatively untapped opportunity for the formal financial sector to extend their reach to the rural poor. Millions people have joined informal savings groups in 75+ countries, with estimates r...

/inclusion Financial Inclusion

Piyush Srivastava

Piyush Srivastava President & Chief Operating Officer at RiskCounts LLC

How AI is changing the Risk Management & Compliance

In this increasing debate over AI, in how it is good for mankind, and on the other side, how it is going to take away our jobs, what is the right answer? I would take the analogy of the advent of cars, trains or airplanes, in the times when people used horse carriages, horses or bullock carts. What was the advantage of a motor car or the train? Wel...

/ai /inclusion Fintech

Bob Lyddon

Bob Lyddon Consultant at Lyddon Consulting Services

Predictions for the Payments industry in 2018: the global Remittances business

This is the fourth and final one of our four predictions for the Payments industry in 2018, and it is about the global Remittances business. We all know that this area has been badly hit by “de-risking”, and that the result of that has been the withdrawal by the big clearers in currency centres of correspondent banking services to the banks at the ...

/payments /inclusion Transaction Banking

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4 AI Use Cases in Fintech in 2018 according to PwC and Gartner

According to Gartner, by the end of 2020, 20% of citizens in developed nations will use AI for everyday operational tasks and a whopping 85% of CIOs (Chief Information Officers) will be piloting AI programs for their organizations through buy, build and outsourcing efforts. By the end of 2018, use of AI is predicted to be widespread through common...

/ai /inclusion Asia Financial Services

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Biometrics for the Unbanked

The number of mobile phone users in the world is likely to surpass 5 billion within the next year. As this number grows, it’s no wonder why most banks have their own mobile app or at least a way for their customers to access finances on-the-go. Yet 3.5 billion people worldwide are excluded from the financial system. Surely there is a way for these...


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Mobile money holds the key to financial inclusion

Following the meteoric rise of Bitcoin, which recently skyrocketed in value past $11,000, it’s clear that advancements in the fintech industry are changing the monetary landscape as we know it. Whether through a cryptocurrency or other emerging technology, such as mobile money and blockchain, physical cash is being replaced by digital alternatives...

/inclusion Financial Inclusion

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