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842 Results from /inclusion

Konstantin Rabin

Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik

What is crypto-anarchism and how it evolved?

Crypto-anarchism is a type of anarchism in which cryptographically protected anonymization technologies, digital pseudonyms, and digital money are used to circumvent state control - surveillance, censorship, and taxation. How did crypto-anarchism originate? In the 1940s, Western intelligence agencies began to study the idea of ​​the participation o...


Chris Holmes

Chris Holmes Senior Vice President at KAE Consulting

Credit scoring: Going alternative

When assessing applicants’ financial reliability, lenders globally have traditionally relied on a limited range of data sources. In the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Germany, creditworthiness is determined primarily based on credit scores provided by large credit reporting agencies (e.g. Experian, Equifax, SCHUFA). These scores are typically based on...

/retail /inclusion Fintech

Konstantin Rabin

Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik

Reliance on Social Platforms is Becoming Turbo Charged

Customer reviews provide and interactive shopping experience, that has help companies like Amazon and Walmart outperform during the spread of COVID-19. The customer experience allows shoppers to have a voice in shaping how companies treat their clients. With online retail sales recently overtaking merchandising sales, the social platform uses to ...

/inclusion /covid-19

Scott Raspa

Scott Raspa Head of Marketing at Hydrogen -

6 Strategies for Banking the Unbanked

Although opening a bank account might be a rite of passage for people around the world, a significant portion of the global population either doesn’t have any form of bank account or doesn’t use a bank for a notable portion of their financial needs. People who are unbanked or underbanked tend to use alternative forms of financial services, such as...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

3 reasons why lending companies should use open banking

The financial environment is changing significantly in Europe and beyond, putting pressure on the lending market. Current conditions raise demand for instant credit products which forces lenders to go digital. Lenders are faced with a serious challenge to ensure business continuity. They need to create a mechanism that allows the assessment of bor...

/inclusion /covid-19 Open Banking

Scott Raspa

Scott Raspa Head of Marketing at Hydrogen -

Fintech in Brazil Has a Bright Future

Financial technology, or fintech, is on the verge of a breakthrough in Brazil in 2020. In late November 2019, Brazil’s Central Bank set out draft rules for open banking, intending to phase in the rules during the second half of 2020. These new regulations make substantial changes to the way existing financial institutions and banks share transacti...

/startups /inclusion

Steve Cook

Steve Cook Head of Business Development at ID R&D

Now Biometrics will be essential for Digital Onboarding and Authentication

Biometrics will be in high demand in order for economies to function during the Covid-19 virus outbreak. Many onboarding practices with traditional banks involve the customers making a trip to the local branch to verify who they are with their ID documents. Now that most countries have introduced stay-at-home policies due to the coronavirus crisis,...

/inclusion /covid-19 Biometrics

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Cash in the time of Covid: why we need to listen to the experts to protect this vital payment method

Covid-19 has had a huge impact on almost every area of our lives: from travel to shopping, the economy to health services. Understandably, these are emotive issues – things that we previously may have taken for granted are now being put under enormous pressure at a time when people are very anxious. Amid the uncertainty, there is a danger that som...

/inclusion /covid-19 Financial Supply Chain

Tim Duncan

Tim Duncan Founder/CEO at

CARES Act: Support for Low Income Households

The Coronavirus economic crisis is putting already financially distressed households in much greater distress. It als presents an enormous challenge for nonprofits and government agencies that must immediately transition from financial guidance to what is essentially complex disaster relief services at huge scale - while also having shut down thei...

/sustainable /inclusion Financial Inclusion

Hirander Misra

Hirander Misra Chairman and CEO at GMEX Group

Which Fintech sectors will emerge fighting fit from the current Covid-19 crisis?

Whilst the current pandemic induced crisis is yet to reach its peak, and is leaving a trail of personal and economic destruction, we should expect a new landscape to emerge, in many respects, when the dust settles. What does this mean for the Fintech sector in terms of opportunities and how does this impact the individual? 2019: A bumper year for ...

/inclusion /covid-19 Capital Market Technology

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