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842 Results from /inclusion

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How Blockchain is Driving Financial Inclusion

Financial transactions could soon be as straightforward as sending a text, thanks to the transformative power of blockchain technology. Both industry insiders and regulatory bodies are keenly exploring how blockchain can overhaul existing financial systems, and even replace traditional infrastructures that handle international payments and remitta...

/inclusion /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

Janine Grainger

Janine Grainger CEO at Easy Crypto

The NFT revolution: worthless fad or Web3's future?

In March 2021, crypto entrepreneur Sina Estavi made headlines globally when he spent $2.9m on a non-fungible token (NFT) of the first tweet from the former Twitter boss Jack Dorsey. Fast forward to 2023 and The Guardian and other platforms are reporting that “researchers estimate 23 million people hold worthless investments” in these digital token...

/inclusion /crypto

Janine Grainger

Janine Grainger CEO at Easy Crypto

How crypto rebels are thriving on the edge of the market abyss

The catch cry of innovation is: rise when the market falls. Smart crypto companies are using what some have called Bitcoin’s “longest bear market” in history to implement a two-speed approach to product leadership; with an eye on the challenges of today while implementing forward-looking strategies that will improve crypto uptake for everyone. I...

/inclusion /crypto

Sergei Artimenia

Sergei Artimenia Managing Director at

Understanding the Role of PSD Agents in the Payment Services Directive

In this post I will explore the world of Payment Services Directives (PSD), where PSD agents are the unsung heroes, diligently working behind the scenes to ensure smooth transactions. If you've ever wondered who these mysterious figures are and what role they play in the grand scheme of payment services, you've come to the right place. In this com...

/regulation /inclusion Financial Inclusion

Abhinav Paliwal

Abhinav Paliwal CEO at PayNet Systems- A Neo Banking Software Platform

New Era of Neo Banking in Africa

In recent years, the expansion of neo-banking in Africa has seen substantial growth and development. There are presently over 450 digital banks in operation throughout the world, and their number and size are fast increasing. In Africa, the lack of dependable banking infrastructure, as well as the pressing requirements of a population living in dif...

/inclusion Finextra site news

Rajat Deshpande

Rajat Deshpande CEO and Co- founder at FinBox

AI Lending: Unleashing the power of data

AI has arrived in our lives — whether you like it or not. We are all knowingly or unknowingly participants in a real-life version of Turing’s imitation game — machine intelligence that is indistinguishable from human behaviour. Generative AI (ChatGPT) is a well-known example. But there are lesser-known AI capabilities powering the world of financ...

/people /inclusion Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Naina Rajgopalan

Naina Rajgopalan Content Head at Freo

Exploring the Various Types of Recurring Deposits

Recurring deposits, often abbreviated as RDs, have long been a preferred choice among individuals seeking a secure and systematic way to save and grow their money. These savings instruments offer a disciplined approach to financial planning and can help you achieve your short and long-term goals. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the...

/wealth /inclusion Personal Finance

David Hensley

David Hensley Founder at Enryo Limited

Could Artificial Intelligence bridge our digital divide?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most transformative technologies of our time. It is already being used to automate tasks in a wide range of industries, from healthcare to manufacturing and more recently finance. It is having a major impact on the digital world, with applications such as social media algorithms, search engines, and virtu...

/retail /inclusion Imagine a world without cash

David Hensley

David Hensley Founder at Enryo Limited

The rise of the Super Apps

Super apps are mobile applications that offer a wide range of services, including messaging, social media, e-commerce, and financial services. They are becoming increasingly popular in Asia, where they have already become essential tools for everyday life. For example, the Chinese super app WeChat is used by over 1.2 billion people to send message...

/payments /inclusion Imagine a world without cash

Raja Creditmantri@123

Raja Creditmantri@123 Business Analyst at Creditmantri

Essential Considerations Before to Applying for Your First Credit Card

Embarking on the journey of acquiring your inaugural credit card marks a significant financial milestone. This decision, however, warrants careful deliberation to ensure it aligns with your unique circumstances. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the pivotal factors you should ponder before taking the plunge into the realm of credit car...


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