207 Results from 2022, /crypto
Retired Member
Projects sometimes fail. But when there are lots of headline collapses in a short period, it’s time to look for patterns. Was it all hanky panky or was there a more legitimate reason for failure? In this exploratory piece, I unpack five projects in the distributed ledger technology (DLT), more specifically, the blockchain space whose collapse made ...
27 December 2022 /retail /crypto Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services
Sergei Romanov CPO at Profee.com
CBDCs for Cross-Border Money Transfers: Threat Or Opportunity? Twelve years ago, the first real-world cryptocurrency transaction took place; this event is now celebrated as Bitcoin Pizza day. Since then, crypto has evolved into an essential part of the fintech landscape. Governments around the world have started recognising its potential lately, w...
27 December 2022 /payments /crypto Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Mykyta Grechyna
According to the 2022 cryptocurrency market research conducted by Chainanalysis, Latin America is the second largest region of the world after the Middle East & North Africa for year-over-year cryptocurrency transactions volume growth rate, with Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, and Honduras being most active countries in terms of transacti...
27 December 2022 /regulation /crypto Bitcoin payments
Abhinav Paliwal CEO at PayNet Systems
Fintechs have the super high CAC They need high ARPU by acting as one-stop-shops So SuperApps are planning Crypto Rewards — Details 👇 They all are chasing growth in a regulated environment with similar products. They fiercely compete to acquire the customer even at a high cost. One needs a high ARPU to sustain high CAC. In a price-sensitive ma...
22 December 2022 /payments /crypto Digital Banking Trends
Sean Salloux CEO at Sentinel Digital
With over 14 million British adults owning a digital only bank account, the need for access to digital assets has never been greater. Digital asset rates are higher than ever, and both banks and neobanks (online banks without a physical high street presence) face a clear choice—adapt to customer needs or struggle to keep up in a quickly digitalis...
21 December 2022 /payments /crypto Fintech
Viacheslav Syvolob Lawyer at Fintech Harbor Consulting
The definition of WEB 3.0 and what is important to know about it Web 3.0 (Web3) is an idea of a version of the Internet that is based on the concepts of openness, decentralization, and changing the course of “internet ownership”. It also uses distributed registry (DLT) and blockchain technologies that ensure decentralization. The separation into p...
19 December 2022 /crypto Blockchain Geek
The digital revolution is showing no signs of slowing. Today, more and more industries, including real estate, music, healthcare, banking, and even gold and silver are adopting digitization to meet user needs. In modern society, the transition to a fully-digital world is well underway. In the next year, it’s forecasted that 93 percent of people wi...
14 December 2022 /payments /crypto Fintech
Pavlo Farb Security Engineer at Cossack Labs
Once deployed, a lot of smart contracts cannot be easily changed. So, it would be wise to take a close look at potential weaknesses, exploits, and built-in mitigations when it’s not too late for changes. But look beyond the code. Smart contracts are immutable pieces of code that perform certain operations in blockchain networks or link different bl...
13 December 2022 /security /crypto DeFi
Nish Kotecha Co-Founder & Chairman at Finboot
The recent and very public demise of cryptocurrency exchange, FTX, has once again dented wider faith and trust in the crypto world. Despite raising $400 million at the start of the year, rumours of FTX being undercapitalised led to more than $650 million in withdrawals - causing it to close its doors and confirming it was in a liquidity crisis. Th...
08 December 2022 /regulation /crypto Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services
Roel Mels Global Head of Marketing at TRG Screen
The financial services industry is known for its complexity in terms of the multitude and proliferation of market participants, vendors, products, user requirements, agreements and pricing structures. Alongside this, the global financial sector generates an enormous amount of data (measured today in petabytes i.e., 1,000s of terabytes), creating d...
07 December 2022 /regulation /crypto
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