191 Results from 2021, /crypto
Retired Member
Virtual real estate NFT is forever changing the way we view digital assets. As technology evolves alongside society, every aspect of life shifts to the virtual space. Typically physical events like work, school, and conferences are slowly moving towards the digital space. Technology makes it easy for everyone to do things through their tablet, sm
31 December 2021 /startups /crypto Digital Asset Class (DAC)
Prasoon Mukherjee Director | Head of Securities Services | GSC-India at Societe Generale Bank
Its not uncommon in the world of finance for accountants to encounter challenges related to an evolving discipline for which no accounting standard would have explicitly existed earlier. One example is in the manner how the world of tokens or cryptocurrencies is evolving as no accounting standard currently exists to explain how this asset class sh...
25 December 2021 /regulation /crypto Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services
Kala Kam Marketing Manager at Coinremitter
Enabling e-commerce with the greatest available solutions to accept cryptocurrency payments is critical nowadays, and with the rising market, company and individual interest in the cryptocurrency have reached new heights. First and foremost, whether you're an e-commerce merchant just warming up your thoughts into the cryptocurrency market or you'r...
24 December 2021 /payments /crypto Fintech
“Only Fools will believe something that's not available in hand as currency” most of the people’s mindset about the cryptos currency until 2014, but right after Bitcoin showed the world what is the real potential, here started the evolution of such cryptocurrency, Many new coins launched and the finest technology or innovation of the crypto era be...
23 December 2021 /regulation /crypto Blockchain Observations
Anna Kuzmina Expert at Fintech
The Future of Money, Finance and the Internet by Ravi Menon (Screenshot from SFF 2021) I think the Singapore government is brilliant. Why? Let’s see. I have interacted with quite a few countries’ officials throughout my professional life and learned to judge them based on my personal experience. (Some day I will tell you about Chinese officials tha...
23 December 2021 /crypto /predictions
When you take your hard-earned money to the market, your main goal is to grow your wealth so you can achieve financial independence. One way to do this is by diversifying your portfolio so that it includes different types of investments, such as real estate, equities, bonds, mutual funds, and exchange traded funds. Regardless of which financial in...
22 December 2021 /wealth /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights
You'll want to consider who you'll collaborate with and how you'll integrate, as well as your cash-conversion strategy. The appeal of instant riches might overshadow the fact that Bitcoin was initially used in a mundane transaction - to purchase a pizza. Even the most delicious slice won't come close to the 10,000 Bitcoins that order cost in 2010 ...
22 December 2021 /payments /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights
Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA
For me it is becoming a sort of tradition. Writing a blog about the upcoming trends in the Blockchain and crypto arena for the next year and beyond. A year ago I concluded with the sentence: always expect the unexpected. And unexpected was the upcoming of the DeFi market, as well that of NFT. But also a growing number of traditional banks entering...
21 December 2021 /crypto /predictions Blockchain Observations
Until recently, accessing liquidity was like an exclusive pool party in the Hamptons. It was not for everyone: you had to know a banker or someone from Wall Street to get in. Entry requirements were strict: you could only wear white or linen. The waiting time was also very long: you had to find the right time to be greeted by the party host. La
16 December 2021 /inclusion /crypto Fintech
Andrew Beatty Head of Wealth, Retirement & International at FIS
Cryptocurrencies are holding the media spotlight. So, what’s all the fuss about … and how should banks prepare? Marc Kenigsberg, founder of Bitcoin Chaser gives us a clue: “Blockchain is the tech. Bitcoin is merely the first mainstream manifestation of its potential.” This blog considers the origins of crypto, why banks need to take it seriously, ...
16 December 2021 /retail /crypto Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
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