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627 Results from /crypto

Louisa Murray

Louisa Murray COO Europe at Railsbank

Are banks preparing to board the Bitcoin bandwagon?

Compliance is a word that often crops up in discussions around Bitcoin, though it generally takes a backseat to terms like ‘bounce’, ‘pump’ and ‘moon.’ Those who hold the cryptocurrency – and those who delightedly document its thrilling price movements – generally focus on its speculative appeal. But despite huge institutional inflows from the lik...

/crypto /predictions Cryptocurrency Insights

Sean Salloux

Sean Salloux CEO at Sentinel Digital

Fintech Disruptors Lead Traditional Banks With Blockchain Infrastructure

Fintech disruptors powering the banking revolution with behind-the-scenes blockchain infrastructure Blockchain technology has made a significant impact in the banking world. Top global banks including JP Morgan, The Bank of England, and Deutsche Bank are among the early adopters of the nascent technology. Banks are increasingly integrating digita...

/payments /crypto Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

Yuliya Barabash

Yuliya Barabash Managing Partner at SBSB Fintech Lawyers

Cryptocurrency Investments: New Times, New Opportunities

As a means of securing capital with profit performance, investments had been a reliable source of passive income for several centuries. Ten years ago the world saw a new investment vehicle emerge in addition to gold, real estate and mineral resources – cryptocurrencies. Coming first was bitcoin whose success was ardently disputed but it continues ...

/crypto /markets Trends in Financial Services

Tamas Kadar

Tamas Kadar Founder and CEO at SEON

How are crypto and blockchain being utilised in the gaming sector?

Bitcoin went mainstream in the last four years, and with it, many online casinos began to accept cryptocurrencies. The key advantage of blockchain technology being used in the online betting, gambling and casino sector is that it provides transparency in database transactions. Currently, there are a lot of new and upcoming open source lotteries, ...

/security /crypto Fintech

Paul Shumsky

Paul Shumsky Technology Advisor at Entrepreneur

Digital Banking and FinTech Trends in 2021

Demand for Fintech and digital banking products, already rising steeply before the COVID-19 pandemic set in last year, was given even greater impetus during 2020 and is likely to have gained years of ground in what has been an extraordinary year. Moreover, it is expected that virtual payment and banking solutions will take the lead in the financia...

/crypto /predictions Trends in Financial Services

Nikolay Zvezdin

Nikolay Zvezdin Founder and CEO at

The Death of Traditional Economy and Emergence of Narrative Economy

The year of 2020 has been among the ones which will be marked in humankind history – global lockdowns, spreading virus, race for vaccine, overleveraged economic decline, yet continuous capital market all-time highs (ATH). On the surface of reasons for ATH is the appearing never-ending quantitative easing by the Fed, which is now not the lander of ...

/crypto /markets Finance 2.0

Jeremy Light

Jeremy Light Co-founder at Fourdotzero

Bitcoin at 50,000 USD

Bitcoin at 50k USD In March 2018 I posted a Finextra blog “Bitcoin at 50,000 USD”. It was framed as a scenario rather than a prediction and I observed that no-one could possibly know with any certainty what would happen next with Bitcoin. However, the objective of the blog was to examine what Bitcoin and the crypto landscape would look like should...

/payments /crypto Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Cryptocurrencies and Regulation: Towards a Balanced and Coordinated Approach

Cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, are facing increased regulatory scrutiny, and that is not strange. Warnings from regulatory watchdogs all over the globe have come amid a wildly volatile ride for Bitcoin and other crypto currencies. Bitcoin prices quadrupled in 12 months’ time reaching an all-time high of more than $ 40.000 on 8 January after...

/crypto Blockchain Observations

Hirander Misra

Hirander Misra Chairman and CEO at GMEX Group

5 Digital, Crypto and Blockchain predictions for 2021

At the start of January 2020 I made top 5 predictions in the digital, crypto and blockchain space and evaluated how these had played out at the start of January 2020. The results were very accurate. I try to repeat that feat with my key predictions for 2021: Capital markets accelerate the move from analogue to digital I expect some very interesting...

/crypto /predictions Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Crypto forecast for the first half of 2021

The beginning of 2021 gave a lot of all-time-high maximums for a number of cryptocurrencies, that in turn led to a series of positive forecasts for 2021. So, for example: Citi analysts predict the price of Bitcoin at the level of $300,000 at the end of 2021. Although JPMorgan does not give exact numbers, it confirms that Bitcoin has the potential ...

/inclusion /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

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