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627 Results from /crypto

Adriana P

Adriana P Trader at Xray Trade

Ubisoft and Square Enix, their quest for success in the blockchain

Nowadays, companies need to diversify their approaches to get the consumer’s time and attention and this goes for the financial services companies also. A new concept has been introduced to keep that consumer attention which is called gamification which is leveraging specific gameplay principles like designing elements and making it accessible to ...

/crypto /predictions Fintech

Kaustuv Ghosh

Kaustuv Ghosh Managing Partner at Volante Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

Crypto Exchanges-A Change from Everything We Knew

Dear Friends, Are crypto exchanges a global or local phenomenon? And how should investors evaluate them? I decided to pursue this question because crypto exchanges are bending the usual conventions around venture capital investing. First, it is very difficult to draw a comparison with traditional exchanges and brokerages. These are mostly local. O...

/payments /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

Retired Member

Retired Member 

1 mln USD price and the replacement of the dollar. The brightest forecasts of Bitcoin

After the correction, the flagship digital coin continues to recover in price and at 13:30 traded at $55.1K. On February 28, the price of Bitcoin fell to a local low of $43.5K. This happened after the cryptocurrency reached a historic high at $58.3K on February 21. Volatility in quotations are accompanied by various statements of media personaliti...

/inclusion /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Four major trends of the real estate market that you should know about

The real estate market is constantly changing, with new trends coming and going all the time. Even right now, there are multiple trends that are dominating, and which might prove interesting to people who may be on the lookout for such opportunities. Today, I will present four such trends to you, in hope that it might help those who navigate such w...

/inclusion /crypto Fintech

Retired Member

Retired Member 

It is too Early to Talk about the End of the Correction

The value of the main digital coin again stormed the mark of $52K, although on Sunday it dropped to $43K. What news was the reason that the value of the cryptocurrency fell and recovered, and how much it can grow in the near future. On Wednesday, March 3, Bitcoin quotes on the Binance crypto exchange again approached the mark of $52K. At the peak,...

/inclusion /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

Sean Salloux

Sean Salloux CEO at Sentinel Digital

The Global Rise Of The Digital Asset Infrastructure Providers

Documenting the worldwide rise of the behind-the-scenes digital asset infrastructure providers powering the banking revolution With an estimated 42 million people holding Bitcoin in the world, and a further 5.25 billion people with a traditional bank account, there is significant potential for digital asset infrastructure providers to rapidly scale...

/payments /crypto Fintech

Yuliya Barabash

Yuliya Barabash Managing Partner at SBSB Fintech Lawyers

The Hot Term Crypto Bank: Bogus or Inevitable Milestone in the Global Financial System Development

Switzerland, Lichtenstein, and Luxembourg are ahead of the whole world and persist in keeping their status of global financial innovation champions and reliable financial providers. DUKASCOIN, for instance, became the first crypto project launched by a traditional bank with all necessary licenses. Switzerland is now adapting its financial legislat...

/payments /crypto Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

Ruslan Kolodyazhnyi

Ruslan Kolodyazhnyi Head of Wirex R&D, CTO at Wirex

How banks and financial companies can benefit from digital currencies

Three years ago, digital currencies seemed like a distant future, but now for European banks and financial companies, this future is just around the corner. In recent years, as digital currencies have become more popular, many platforms are now regulated, licensed, and fully compliant with the financial services market. So what do banks and fintec...

/payments /crypto Fintech

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Blockchain Technology Challenges: new third-generation solutions

Notwithstanding the various benefits of blockchain technology, there are still a number of big challenges to overcome before mass adoption can be realised. These range from low scalability to lack of regulation and limited number of qualified people. In some of my previous blocks I already went into more detail into these challenges and possible s...

/crypto Blockchain Observations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Is It Too Late to Invest in Bitcoin?

In February 2011, Bitcoin cost $1. 10 years has passed and BTC is $51,000. Having spent $100 to buy Bitcoins back then, you would have $5,100,000 today. This could be considered one of the best investments of the 21st century, unattainable for the stock market and other assets. After such a shocking takeoff, most people consider the lost profit and...

/crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

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