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463 Results from /crime

René Hendrikse

René Hendrikse Vice President & Managing Director, EMEA & LATAM at Mitek

Could selfies be the key to fighting COVID-19 fraud?

From social media scams to fake government texts, phishing links in business emails and false phone calls, fraud has risen sharply since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 2,500 scams had been reported to investigators in the UK by the start of April alone. The threat doesn’t show signs of slowing down either. By early May, more than 16...

/identity /crime Digital Identity Management

Jay Floyd

Jay Floyd Principal Fraud Consultant at ACI Worldwide

COVID-19 and Fraud: Banks must adopt their fraud strategies to combat growing threat

The current COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented in its global reach and implications for consumers and businesses worldwide. Across the globe, millions of people have been locked down in their homes, with online banking and shopping consequently seeing a significant rise. However, this situation has also created a fertile ground for fraudsters, wit...

/crime /covid-19 Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Adam Krug

Adam Krug CLM Ambassador at Pegasystems

Case Management for solving Fin Crime Risk

2019 saw the FCA dishing out the highest level of fines ever, totalling nearly £400m in a twelve-month period. This included hefty penalties relating to anti-money laundering failings. However, in the FCA’s 2019 thematic review the organisation did provide its recommendations for how banks can better their AML processes, stating, “For an effectiv

/regulation /crime Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Fraud in finance: who can defend our digital identity?

Over the last few months, we have been presented with more e-commerce and online offerings than ever before. From online shopping to virtual gym classes, the pandemic has accelerated the move towards a fully digital world. Unfortunately, this growing digital presence leads to a rise in cyber-attacks, too, and more specifically, fraud. Even before ...

/identity /crime Digital Identity Management

Shirish Netke

Shirish Netke President at Amberoon

PPP is Not a Free Lunch for Banks

During the post-prohibition era in the 1930s, bars offered free lunches to their patrons to get them to buy drinks. 40 years later, Milton Freidman famously summed up the study of economics with the quip – “There is no such thing as a free lunch” or TINSTAFL for short. Now, 50 years later bankers and borrowers alike are recalling TINSTAFL in looki...

/crime /covid-19 Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A strong base for Client Lifecycle Management and KYC allows banks to adapt to changes

Covid 19 has highlighted a need for firms in the business world to be adaptable to rapidly changing conditions. In Financial Services, changing regulations and requirements from regulators mean that day to day users need to have solid processes and case management tools which allow them to maintain a strong structure of checks and balances. At th...

/wholesale /crime Financial Services Regulation

Jim Steven

Jim Steven Head of Crisis & Breach Response at Experian Consumer Services

How COVID-19 is evolving the data breach communication process

Covid-19 is at the forefront of business minds right now, with many tasking themselves with understanding, reacting to and learning lessons from this ever-changing situation. However, although business survival will be the top priority throughout this pandemic, it’s also essential to have the correct processes in place to effectively respond to a ...

/crime /covid-19 Information Security

Uri Rivner

Uri Rivner CEO and Co-Founder at Refine Intelligence

7 Cybercrime predictions for a global virus outbreak

If I had to pick one community that is definitely going to thrive during a global virus outbreak, it's online fraudsters. Check out these seven predictions about incoming cyber crime... An unprecedented global virus outbreak is just what the cyberfraudster ordered. Confusion, chaos, and abrupt changes in digital user behavior can help the sharp-min...

/payments /crime Online Banking

Uri Rivner

Uri Rivner CEO and Co-Founder at Refine Intelligence

Zelle P2P Fraud: You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet...

Zelle Fraud: You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet… If you live in the US, you probably already use Zelle. Zelle is super awesome. It's sleek, real-time, and allows you to pay instantly to anyone with an email or phone number directly from your bank account - with zero commission. And it also attracts criminals like bees to honey. Banks that have launched Zel...

/payments /crime Online Banking

Yaroslav Kuflinski

Yaroslav Kuflinski AI/ML Observer at Iflexion

How machine learning helps with combating financial fraud

Fraud is an ever-lasting problem for banks and other financial institutions, which only continues to persist. As we are moving toward ubiquitous digitalization, criminals are discovering new weak spots in financial digital applications. Paradoxically, the technology works both ways: it helps firms to provide better customer experience and optimize ...

/security /crime

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