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463 Results from /crime

Jackie Barwell

Jackie Barwell Director at ACI Worldwide

Fighting the UK’s Payments Fraud Pandemic

Fraud rates in the UK have been climbing to new record heights, so much so that the UK’s industry body UK Finance has been talking for the first time about fraud posing a national security threat. According to latest figures, £754m was stolen from bank customers during the first half of this year - a 30% rise compared to the same period in 2020. S...

/payments /crime Fintech

Steve Goddard

Steve Goddard FME at Featurespace

Fraud: a ‘national security threat’…why?

In March, a bakery owner in South West England received a curious SMS from her bike courier. The baker, whose canelés are famous in her city, supplies pastries to nearby cafes and other bakeries. She relies on couriers to get fresh pastries to those businesses early in the morning, and the bakery and the courier service have a years-old partnersh...

/regulation /crime Financial Risk Management

Gian Mahil

Gian Mahil Director at The FinTechGuys

Eight Simple Rules – to survive the tsunami of fraud.

During and post-Covid 19 the world has been hit by a tsunami of fraud. With the move to electronic money where everyone has their money in digital form, the criminals have realised this has made it easier for them to part you from your money. They don’t need a gun, a knife – just a phone and a computer and they don’t have to come to you. They can ...

/payments /crime Personal Finance

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Pandora Papers Reveal a Broken System

The FinCEN Files revealed money laundering to be a systemic problem, but the Pandora Papers and the recent resignation by the Financial Action Taskforce (FATF) chief, David Lewis, suggest a much more broken system, where regulators are barely tipping the iceberg in the fight against financial crime. The Papers also reveal a much higher power at pl...

/regulation /crime Banking Regulations

Jussi Karjalainen

Jussi Karjalainen CEO at Valtatech

How can Australian businesses protect themselves from invoice fraud?

As Australia continues to slip in and out of lockdowns business continuity continues to be tested. While business leaders battle to try and not just survive the pandemic, but thrive, groups of highly sophisticated scammers are seeking to exploit the pandemic and scam businesses out of their hard earned and much needed cash. According to the ACCC’s...

/security /crime Electronic invoicing

Claus Christensen

Claus Christensen CEO at Know Your Customer

From Perpetual KYC to Perpetual KYB: Challenges and Opportunities

Historically, the space of individual Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance has always been one step ahead in terms of industry awareness and digitisation trends compared to the connected area of corporate KYC, or “know your business” (KYB) compliance. Hence, to know what’s coming for KYB, it’s worth paying attention to what’s currently happening in...

/regulation /crime RegTech

John Bertrand

John Bertrand MD at Tec 8 Limited

Banks and FinTech hold the key to preventing fraud

People, who think they are being defrauded, will soon be able to call 159, a new initiative against fraud, supported by a number of banks, telecom and social media firms. The goal would be for 159 to immediately direct the call to the Payer Bank for fraud assessment. Approximately half of the current bank accounts will be covered by this service i...

/payments /crime Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How Financial Institutions Can Fight Money Laundering in a Disrupted Global Environment

The disruption and uncertainty created by COVID-19 has slowed business execution across all aspects of businesses. Anti-financial crime and compliance functions are no exception. However, the challenges and pressures of fighting money laundering and other financial crimes have not eased. Instead, the current environment is making the need to drive...

/crime /covid-19 Financial Services Regulation

Steve Dourdil

Steve Dourdil Business Development at Kerv Collaborate

Compliance Recording Has Come Full Circle

It seems hard to believe that it was only 10 years ago that the FSA, as it was known back then, removed the mobile phone taping exemption from the call recording rules introduced in March 2009 with COBS 11.8. The initial legislation, designed primarily to tackle market abuse, required capital markets participants to capture and retain all relevant

/regulation /crime Financial Risk Management

Roy Prayikulam

Roy Prayikulam SVP Risk & Fraud Division at INFORM GmbH

AML/CTF monitoring - holistic approach and hybrid AI for higher hit rates

For years, financial institutions have been using automated monitoring procedures to make their processes for detecting money laundering and terrorist financing as effective and efficient as possible. However, many of the solutions used still leave much to be desired in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. Silo architectures, a lack of cross-dep...

/regulation /crime Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

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