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463 Results from /crime

Matthew Salisbury

Matthew Salisbury CEO at Honey Badger

Wangiri 2.0 scam. Is your business protected?

I know what you’re wondering. Wangiri. What the heck does that mean? It’s a Japanese word meaning ‘one (ring) and cut’. So called because fraudsters make one ring calls to consumers from high-rate overseas numbers. Curious consumers see a missed call from an overseas number and call it back, thus a call is made to the high-rate number and revenue ...

/security /crime Exposing Financial Crime

Farnoush Mirmoeini

Farnoush Mirmoeini Co-founder at KYC Hub

Change ahead: Key KYC and financial crime developments in 2023

2022 brought renewed attention to the anti-money-laundering (AML) space and the know your customer (KYC) processes underpinning it. High profile cases, such as the criminal trial of Credit Suisse for failing to prevent money-laundering by a Bulgarian drug trafficking ring and the unprecedented sanctions against Russia put the subject front and cen...

/crime /predictions RegTech

Brad Goodall

Brad Goodall CEO at BANKED

How to reduce online payment fraud without adding too much friction

Back in 2002, the fraud losses related to eCommerce fraud on UK-issued debt and credit cards amounted to 28 million pounds. Decades later, that number continues to skyrocket, with the annual losses hitting 376.5 million pounds as of 2020. During the pandemic, as people spent more time online than ever, there were new waves of online crime. Ove

/payments /crime Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Simon Horswell

Simon Horswell Fraud Specialist Manager at Onfido

Five Fraudster’s New Year Resolutions

Increased online footfall and transactions mean more opportunities for fraudsters, especially when traffic peaks with holidays, sporting seasons and January sales, for instance. Fraudsters are adept at using peaks as camouflage, hiding in the traffic and using many techniques to perpetrate scams. Here’s a look at the tactics fraudsters are gravita...

/security /crime

Stan Cowan

Stan Cowan 

Community Banks and Credit Unions Can Manage Fraud and Compliance Risk Management in a Single Soluti

It is becoming increasingly harder to delineate between fraud risk and compliance risk. The speed with which identity fraudsters and money launderers move to exploit gaps within financial crime risk management systems has increased due to the race toward greater digitalization and increasing service expectations from consumers. And community bank...

/regulation /crime Financial Risk Management

Simon Luke

Simon Luke UK Country Manager at First AML

The ECJ’s new ruling on the beneficial ownership register is bad news for AML

In 2015, the European Parliament passed a directive “on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing”. Under this article, member states were obliged to ensure access to beneficial ownership to those with a legitimate interest. In 2018, this was extended to any member of the genera...

/crime Banking Regulations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Bribery and corruption: is your organisation ready to prevent it?

While KYC and AML have been front of mind when it comes to compliance and the fight against fraud, anti-bribery and corruption compliance hasn’t been in the spotlight as much lately. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be paying close attention to it. Why is it important? Preventing bribery and corruption is a high priority for governments acr...

/regulation /crime Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How merchants can stay safe when accepting cryptocurrency

Despite recent scandals in the broader crypto industry, which have given weight to severe skepticism for further trust in the crypto, the reality is crypto is not going to go away. As more and more merchants consider offering crypto services as a means to accepting payments, it is only natural for questions to arise whether crypto transactions are...

/crypto /crime

Harriet Christie

Harriet Christie Chief Operating Officer at Mirrorweb

Financial Services’ Inconvenient Need for WhatsApp Archiving

In September 2022, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CTFC) reached settlements totalling around $1.8 billion with 12 of Wall Street’s leading investment banks. The prominent institutions, which included Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America, were penalized for failing to monit...

/regulation /crime RegTech

Uri Rivner

Uri Rivner CEO and Co-Founder at Refine Intelligence

The Crazy Year of Scams

It was seven years ago in the weekly update with the Data Science team. As Chief Cyber Officer and co-founder of behavioral biometrics company BioCatch, which specializes in online fraud detection, this was my favorite internal meeting: there were always some new tricks the fraudsters did which the team picked up on, and it was pure fun to learn

/regulation /crime Digital Banking Trends

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