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Simon Horswell

Simon Horswell

Fraud Specialist Manager at Onfido
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Digital Identity Management

From Friction to Fluidity: Ensuring Security and User Experience in Finance

25 Jun 2024

In today’s digital world, 81% of people access online services daily. Against this backdrop, verifying identities online has become a new business standard. It’s a yardstick to measure an organisation’s digital readiness and resilience, which is why 1 in 2 end users now encounter digital identity verification (IDV) during the registration process....


Why biometrics are a nonnegotiable in 2023

27 Mar 2023

If companies are serious about protecting themselves from fraud, simple knowledge-based authentication services are no longer going to cut it. The world has become vastly more digital over the last three years. Spurred by the pandemic, thousands of companies moved services online, and as they did, fraudsters went with them. A report from the UK ...


Five Fraudster’s New Year Resolutions

18 Jan 2023

Increased online footfall and transactions mean more opportunities for fraudsters, especially when traffic peaks with holidays, sporting seasons and January sales, for instance. Fraudsters are adept at using peaks as camouflage, hiding in the traffic and using many techniques to perpetrate scams. Here’s a look at the tactics fraudsters are gravita...


The future of biometrics in banking

21 Nov 2022

There’s no doubt that biometrics, such as fingerprint and facial biometrics, are taking customer experience into a new era. Today, different forms of biometrics are widely used to help businesses verify users for the purposes of both Know Your Customer (KYC), fraud detection and prevention. With identity fraud rocketing 44% since 2019, biometrics ...