1. Doesn't Brexit affect this?
2. Cybersecurity and PCI are related but not synonymous.
17 Oct 2016 17:39 Read comment
@Matt: I am saying that the US is better off with EMV and Signature, because in the risk analysis the benefits of using the PIN are less that the risk in exposing it.
21 Oct 2015 15:54 Read comment
@Matt: Exactly, with online PIN it would not work. But using the PIN exposes it to many other attacks, and it is not worth it.
21 Oct 2015 13:29 Read comment
Today the signature of the transaction would indicate that the PIN was not verified if the card was properly configured.
But this does support the US decision to use EMV without PIN.
21 Oct 2015 09:58 Read comment
There is a more basic question. Every use of the PIN is a potential exposure. I don't think it is desireable to go into details here. Is it justified to check the PIN when the purchase is a cup of coffee? Visa should establish a minimum transaction amount below which PINs are not required.
11 Jul 2014 17:50 Read comment
I suppose they were using offline PIN verification. If it were online I don't see how it could have been Tesco's fault.
03 Jan 2014 13:18 Read comment
01 Nov 2013 13:20 Read comment
Percentages are nice, but absolutes are important too. What are the absolute figures related to the use of cash in Sweden, Australia and the UK? Are they going down too?
05 Sep 2013 10:56 Read comment
6 digit cardholder selected PINs would only be marginally more secure. One would, I guess, still get a preponderance of 123456, 555555, 333333, birthdays and zip codes related PINs.
13 Aug 2013 09:47 Read comment
Customer selected PINs are a disaster. There exists better research, based on actual cracked PINs rather than passwords, where the results are different though similar. The most common PINs were 1234, 5555 and 3333, followed by birthdate and ZIP code related numbers. It was claimed that if a thief has your wallet or access to your pesonal data he needs on average 6 trials to get to 50% of the PINs.
Banks should use random or cryptographically generated PINs.
13 Aug 2013 04:25 Read comment
Trends in Financial Services
Christopher WilliamsChairman at RTpay
Nick OgdenChairman at Ogden Research
Whitman KnappChairman at GTBInsights LLC
Andersen ChengChairman at Post Quantum
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