Blockchain Observations

Group founded 15 Apr 2018
Posts 218
Members 40
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Being a forum for blockchain ideas

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Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Blockchain-as-a-Service: the accelerator for blockchain adoption

Blockchain technology has attracted growing interest from various businesses from large corporates to SMEs. But a large scale adoption by corporates and others has long time been hindered by the lack ...

30 May 2019
Retired Member

How the Crypto Market Is Moving Away from Traditional Exchanges

Element Zero is a great solution for managing the risk associated with running a cryptocurrency exchange. The cryptocurrency market is relatively new, yet it’s already seen huge developments indicati...

28 May 2019
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Blockchain and Stable Coins: opening the crypto markets?

In my recent blog about IBM’s Blockchain World Wire I mentioned the use of Stable Coins as settlement instrument for global payment transactions. Not many are familiar with the term Stable Coins, beca...

14 May 2019
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Blockchain Corda Settler, Ripple and SWIFT a mariage a trois?

My last blog was about the IBM World Wire, a blockchain based platform for global payments. Another competitor in the blockchain payments world I have written about regularly is Ripple. Both are there...

30 Apr 2019
David Creer

The future for blockchain is bright and it’s integrated

April seems to have been a big month so far for Digital Asset. Only a week after their announcement regarding their open sourcing of the platform, they have now published a press release stating that...

16 Apr 2019
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

IBM Blockchain World Wire: growing competition in payments

Last year October I wrote a blog about IBM’s World Wire project. In that month they announced to come to the market with a global blockchain network for cross-border payments and foreign exchange for ...

15 Apr 2019
Retired Member

The Tokenization Effect: Jointer and Scalability

Ever since Jointer was announced, the service has received a lot of attention from multiple sides in the industry. It looks like it has a strong potential to transform many aspects of the financial ma...

11 Apr 2019
Retired Member

Bitcoin Cyrptocurrency Skyrocketing Like Never Before

In recent days Bitcoin has skyrocketed like never before; something people haven’t seen in several months. There were also some Cryptocurrencies of smaller companies that reached higher numbers as we...

09 Apr 2019
David Creer

DLT and hybrid technology solutions are now more readily available

There has been some exciting news from Digital Asset Holdings (DA) this week, with their announcement of various measures to increase accessibility and visibility of their platform. Firstly, they have...

05 Apr 2019
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Blockchain for Europe Association: speaking with one voice

It is getting crowdy in the world of Blockchain Associations in Europe. Following the examples of The European Blockchain Partnership, The Blockchain Association of Europe, the EU Blockchain Observato...

31 Mar 2019
Retired Member

Blockchain Makes Its Way into the Diamond Industry as De Beers Starts to Experiment with New Tech

The highly flexible nature of blockchain has started to become really apparent in recent years. The technology has managed to find its way into many areas of life, and various companies in many differ...

25 Mar 2019
Retired Member

Can we have digital identity and privacy? Blockchain and Centralised PKI

With the rise of national digital identity in several countries, and the very real need for one billion people around the world without an official identity, there are many questions around how best t...

20 Mar 2019

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