Blockchain Observations

Group founded 15 Apr 2018
Posts 218
Members 40
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Being a forum for blockchain ideas

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Saurabha Sahu

Blockchain A Thriving Solution-Healthcare

Humans are ready to spend a skyrocketing cost for their own health or even towards the near and dears. Today the Healthcare industry is plagued by exponentially rising the cost of hospitals, insuffic

27 Apr 2020
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Blockchain and European payments: banks in the defensive mode

The European Banking Federation (EBF), the European Association of Co-operative Banks (EACB) and the European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG) point out that the crisis has brought to the fore ...

08 Apr 2020
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Blockchain and Corona virus: could it prevent future pandemics?

The sudden emergence and rapid but uncontrolled worldwide spread of the Corona virus shows us the failure of existing healthcare surveillance systems to timely handle public health emergencies. Though...

24 Mar 2020
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Blockchain consortia need good governance: but how?

Blockchain consortia are creating a massive hype in the market. Many enterprises are highly interested in this type of network willing to join these consortia in order to gain optimal benefits of this...

13 Mar 2020
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Remaining challenges of blockchain adoption and possible solutions

A growing number of companies have expressed their will to enter the blockchain arena. But after some number of years in which their focus was mainly on the benefits of blockchain in various areas, in...

29 Feb 2020
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Central bank digital currencies: towards a global approach

In one of my earlier blogs, I mentioned that Facebook’s efforts to launch its Libra cryptocurrency triggered intense debates over who would control money in the future. It has also forced Central Bank...

12 Feb 2020
Jeremy Light

Programmable Value Explained

(560 words 2 min 30s read) In November 2019 I blogged about how programmable value is the future of financial services. However, it is evident from reactions I have had that the concept and implicatio...

04 Feb 2020
Roberto Garavaglia

In the amazing world of tokens

A complete analysis of token definitions, their main uses, the future of decentralized applications and token-economy, in an evolutionary path that goes beyond the 3.0 paradigm, crosses that of Indust...

01 Feb 2020
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Crypto regulation in the Western world: towards more global uniformity?

In my last Blog I suggested that regulation of the crypto markets would be one of the main issues for 2020 and beyond. There seem to be urgent need for more clarity on many cryptocurrency issues. The ...

20 Jan 2020
Retired Member

Finding digital solutions for European SMEs

SMEs play a key role in the global economy. In 2015, enterprises employing fewer than 250 persons represented 99% of all enterprises in the EU. A great number of these organisations, particularly in ...

14 Jan 2020
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

What may we expect for blockchain and the crypto markets in 2020?

2019 has almost come to an end and we can safely say that this was a remarkable year for blockchain technology. A lot of things, some unexpected, happened. But now it is time to bring our attention to...

30 Dec 2019
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Best wishes for 2020

19 Dec 2019

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