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The Tokenization Effect: Jointer and Scalability

Ever since Jointer was announced, the service has received a lot of attention from multiple sides in the industry. It looks like it has a strong potential to transform many aspects of the financial market. At the same time, some have questioned certain aspects of the service. Most notably, its ability to scale up with a growing number of transactions.

It does look like the people behind Jointer are well ahead of that curve though, as they have been putting a lot of effort into ensuring that the platform remains easy to scale and control in multiple aspects. While it remains to be seen how well this plays out in reality, we’re already seeing strong indicators that Jointer might indeed be a good candidate for the future of many industries.

Tokenizing Major Transactions

Tokenizing transactions is nothing new under the sun. Just recently, we’ve seen plans to tokenize almost $300 million worth of private real estate transactions, aimed at people with significant reserves in cryptocurrencies. The plan is not too different from traditional investing schemes that focus on preapproved investors who are allowed to participate. There is a lower threshold as well, and the whole system has been set up in a way that accounts for many variables.

It would be interesting to see the long-term effects this might have on the market, as handling transactions of this volume will require a strong approach to scalability and flexibility.

Transforming the Industrial Landscape

Which brings us to another important point. The jointer is attempting to completely transform the real estate industry, and it’s set up to do that in multiple ways. It’s designed to be close to a trustless process (while not being completely one), and to focus on the important points of blockchain technology that has the potential to assist in simplifying the real estate purchasing and investing process.

The scalable nature of Jointer means that a practically unlimited number of investors can work with as much funding as they want to achieve their desired results. Of course, this remains to be tried in practice, but initial results are already looking very promising.

Combining Blockchain and Tokenization

Blockchain and tokenization go hand in hand, and Jointer is another project that has made this clear. The fact that investors can enjoy benefits like instant liquidity is not to be underestimated. This has already drawn quite a lot of attention to the efforts of the people behind Jointer, but we’re likely only seeing the tip of the iceberg here.

It’s important to focus on scalability as the main factor in any future project that aim to capitalize on the blockchain market and its link to tokenization. And while many just keep talking about it, organizations like the one behind Jointer are actually putting effort into making a change on the market. It will be interesting to see where this all ends up and if Jointer – and similar services – will be in the center of future developments, like so many people are predicting right now. So far, many signs seem to point in that direction.



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