Blockchain Observations

Group founded 15 Apr 2018
Posts 218
Members 40
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Being a forum for blockchain ideas

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Konstantin Rabin

What can the Crypto industry jobs tell us about the future?

The cryptocurrency industry is on the rise, and it is no longer just an industry dedicated to currency. Many thought that 2017/2018 was the peak year for the crypto industry when hundreds of currencie...

18 Mar 2019
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Gartner Blockchain Spectrum: a great tool for CIOs

CIOs of companies are increasingly showing their interest in blockchain technology. In PwCs 2018 survey amongst a large number of business executives from 15 different industries in various countries,...

12 Mar 2019
Retired Member

Emerging Technologies: The Future of Fixed Income

Around 80% of all US corporate bond volume (based on dollar amount) is still traded telephonically, while 90% of all US equities volume (based on dollar amount) is traded electronically. This dispari...

07 Mar 2019
Retired Member

Blockchain’s Impact on the Real Estate Market

Blockchain is hard to ignore these days, as the technology is all around us, and it looks like we’re only touching the tip of the iceberg at the moment. It’s very likely that we’re going to see even m...

22 Feb 2019
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Blockchain Smart Treasury: game-changer for treasurers?

Though blockchain is not yet well understood by many treasury people, and tangible real-world applications for the corporate treasurer’s day-to-day activities are still scarce, this technology is gett...

19 Feb 2019
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Blockchain and disruption in the financial world: Will banks survive?

The world of banking as we know for many years is in a fundamental transformation process, triggered by new technologies. The most important is blockchain that is said to fundamentally change the way ...

12 Feb 2019
Richard Miller

KYC, GDPR and DLT pt2: Potential Solutions

In a previous article I looked at how Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) can be applied to the issue of making sure you understand who you are doing business with i.e. Know Your Customer (KYC). The o...

02 Feb 2019
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Blockchain and big Data: A great mariage

Blockchain and Big Data are among the emerging technologies that are high on many companies’ agendas. Both are expected to radically transform the way businesses and organizations are run in the upc...

29 Jan 2019
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Crypto-assets and EU regulation: to a global format

It is increasingly becoming a certainty that crypto-assets are here to stay. Also regulators are now more convinced that these will be here for the long run. Long time taken a wait-and-see attitude, t...

15 Jan 2019
Richard Miller

KYC, GDPR and DLT pt1: A Rocky Road?

Several years ago Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) were going to solve all problems: from streamlining payments, to world peace! Since then, most have fallen away as not having the b...

10 Jan 2019
Jared Ronski

The Power of Blockchain for Ecommerce

The ecommerce payments landscape is evolving as mobile and alternative payment methods rise in popularity. Worldwide mobile payment revenue is expected to exceed $1 trillion in 2019 and more than 2....

09 Jan 2019
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Some blockchain predictions for 2019

2018 was a challenging year for the blockchain world. Not all my predictions were realised. But what is sure is: the hype is over. The adoption of this technology by the industry was less outspoken th...

27 Dec 2018

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