Post-Trade Forum

Group founded 28 Apr 2011
Posts 83
Members 10
Group summary

The Post Trade Forum's aim is to propagate debate and discussion between senior practitioners in Post Trade Operations in the global securities market; to bring about increased awareness and knowledge across both buy-side and sell-side financial institutions in financial products and be a focal point for firms and practitioners to air views.

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Gary Wright

Short selling the argument

I have been debating the importance of short selling to markets and investors over the past few days and next year will be creating a debate for the Post Trade Forum on short selling. However, what ha...

26 Aug 2011
Gary Wright

Outsourcing takes a blow

The recent announcement by Penson that it is undertaking a massive restructuring worldwide including selling the UK (and potentially the Australian) Back office outsourcing business could be an indica...

15 Aug 2011
Gary Wright

The value of European CCPs

In an industry full of risks the role of the central counterparty is perhaps the most important of the market infrastructures. The recent past shows distinctly how much firms have had to rely on CCPs ...

03 Aug 2011
Gary Wright

SaaS Regulations and the IT Rat-Race

There is a real interest growing from buy-side firms to move away from licensing software as on-going regulatory changes hit budgets hard. Many wealth managers have said to me for years that the black...

28 Jul 2011
Gary Wright

The Cloud is hovering this Summer

Outsourcing in financial services has a real chequered history. Successful outsourcing has been matched by unsuccessful outsourcing, resulting in doubt on its benefits by the majority of financial ser...

26 Jul 2011
Gary Wright

Outsource or insource?

I have spoken to many vendors over the years about their business and how prospects are looking and I usually get the same response.They are always competing with inhouse developers. This despite a gr...

20 Jul 2011
Retired Member

Clearing House consolidation is via intraoperability

The first Post-Trade Forum hosted by the London Stock Exchange, got off to a cracking start with an ‘First Class’ panel representing a cross-industry focus, debating in forthright style, the future of...

27 Jun 2011
Gary Wright

Prepare to repel all borders! Says Captain Jack Sparrow

LCH.Clearnet are evidently repelling all borders with a number of unknown organisations (but we can make a very good calculated guess at who they are) pitching to buy the Clearing House. This is a sen...

07 Jun 2011
Gary Wright

Post Trade a Nirvana?

For far too long there has been too much emphasis on vertical business and operations at the expense of the investor's requirements. The financial crisis has clearly demonstrated that a vertical busin...

31 May 2011
Gary Wright

Systemic Risk in Clearing Houses - an Oxymoron?

Clearing Houses have been a fundamental industry component for decades. Indeed the advent of computers and databases enabled the finance industry to consolidate its risks and costs bringing economies ...

23 May 2011
Gary Wright

The Die Is Cast - Long Live The Revolution

Financial services worldwide are under enormous pressure from Governments and Regulators to change and regain the confidence of their customers. Unfortunately bad PR is not doing the Banks much favour...

09 May 2011

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