Post-Trade Forum

Group founded 28 Apr 2011
Posts 83
Members 10
Group summary

The Post Trade Forum's aim is to propagate debate and discussion between senior practitioners in Post Trade Operations in the global securities market; to bring about increased awareness and knowledge across both buy-side and sell-side financial institutions in financial products and be a focal point for firms and practitioners to air views.

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Gary Wright

Identity management the key to linking operations

Historically banks have built business and operations in silos, and over decades, despite numerous mergers and purchases creating the proverbial one stop shop, the typical bank still maintains a verti...

17 Jul 2012
Retired Member

The ESMA OTC Derivatives End User Carve Out

ESMA has released a Consultation Paper on the draft technical standards for trade repositories, OTC clearing and CCPs. Discussion of non-financial counterparty exclusions begins on page 14. OTC contra...

30 Jun 2012
Retired Member

Hurtling Towards Harmonisation

I spent most of yesterday reading the Financial Stability Board's OTC Derivatives Markets Reforms Third Progress Report on Implementation. Thrilling stuff if you were desperately awaiting your next i...

19 Jun 2012
Gary Wright

The Importance of T2S

Some people have doubted the importance and value of T2S and have rightly questioned the cost of building the system against the value it will provide. Indeed the UK is still not joining despite a gro...

15 Jun 2012
Retired Member

Repo and OTC Derivatives as Financial Crisis Accelerators

Following links a few days ago led me to a fascinating journal article by Professor Mark Roe of Harvard Law School. He suggests that the preferential treatment of OTC derivatives and repo collatera...

16 May 2012
Gary Wright

Collateral liquidity

The markets are struggling today with collateral management as never before. The fragmentation of market infrastructures, volatility in markets, increased margining requirements and counterparty risk ...

15 May 2012
Retired Member

Initial Margin: Theory and Practice

The news that the CME CCP will be accepting corporate bonds and that LCH-Clearnet will accept RMBS for initial margin has me thinking about the dangers of demutualisation of clearing houses. Managem...

14 May 2012
Gary Wright

Payment convergence

T+2 is due in 2015 in Europe, and the USA are already investigating T+1, so it looks inevitable that shortening the settlement cycle is well and truly on the development map. Regular readers w...

14 May 2012
Retired Member

Are CCPs Increasing Risks? Part IV - With Slides!

The Post Trade Forum debate on Are CCPs Increasing Risk? was held at the London Stock Exchange [a couple weeks ago]. Cheers, Gary, for letting me take part in such a fun event! My slides are availa...

13 May 2012
Gary Wright

The business benefit of T2S

Ah! I can hear you all crying that title as T2S draws ever closer and it creeps on to the development agenda. What is the business benefit? For once it’s not a regulatory driven change (Although it’s...

11 May 2012
Gary Wright

Who's on first, What's on second Identity Standards

Like the old Abbott and Costello routine, [when Lou Costello is considering becoming a ballplayer and Bud Abbott wants to make sure he knows what he's getting into] there can be huge confusion and mis...

08 May 2012
Gary Wright

The Future of European Clearing and Settlement

The pace of change in European financial markets is enormously fast if measured against a barometer of historical change. As we all know laws and regulations as a result of political agendas is the po...

04 May 2012

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