Post-Trade Forum

Group founded 28 Apr 2011
Posts 83
Members 10
Group summary

The Post Trade Forum's aim is to propagate debate and discussion between senior practitioners in Post Trade Operations in the global securities market; to bring about increased awareness and knowledge across both buy-side and sell-side financial institutions in financial products and be a focal point for firms and practitioners to air views.

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Gary Wright

What's the point of MTFs?

When MiFID was written one of its objectives was to create increased competition to the Stock Exchanges. The view being that the Stock Exchanges were operating in what looked like a monopoly and with ...

07 Nov 2011
Gary Wright

Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts!

No sooner than the Eurozone crisis appears to be moving into calmer waters than another shock wave hits. Only a week ago it looked like Merkel and Sarkozy had agreed a deal to buy some time to ultimat...

02 Nov 2011
Gary Wright

Things to come

The MiFID review as expected is going to clobber the existing market causing massive changes in the execution and post execution of trades. Many people outside of trading will be very worried about th...

24 Oct 2011
Gary Wright

Now is the winter of our discontent

This October, it’s 25 years since ‘Big Bang’ and with the current global financial and economic disaster inflicting everyone on the planet and protests against capitalism worldwide, a reflection on th...

20 Oct 2011
Gary Wright

Outsourcing:The loss of knowledge

The last Post-Trade Forum debate was all about the pros and cons of outsourcing v internalisation. A cross industry panel of outsourcing experts debated with an audience of equal experts and thrashed ...

19 Oct 2011
Gary Wright

Data: the need to take out the cost

According to the latest research over half of the world’s population is now connected by the Internet. Most of this connectivity has been achieved within the last decade with the remainder of the mode...

14 Oct 2011
Gary Wright

Risks at UBS: Is it a honour story?

It's a fact that risk systems are only as good as the people that monitor them. This has to be a board level down responsibility and it's good that UBS has received the resignations of two top manager...

07 Oct 2011
Gary Wright

Corporate Data: What a Mess!

Getting good accurate corporate data within an acceptable time frame for the market to make decisions and act you would think was problem that disappeared years ago. The fantastic increase communicati...

06 Oct 2011
Gary Wright

The People Factor in Post-Trade Risk

Not surprisingly the risk focus for the finance industry has mainly concentrated on the front office but this is not even half the story of the actual risks that firms are taking, which inevitably get...

04 Oct 2011
Gary Wright

Outsourcing Collateral Management the Systemic Risk Question

Outsourcing collateral management appears to be an odd thing to do. Why would financial institutions outsource such a fundamental part of their operations? Bank of New York Mellon is the largest suppl...

28 Sep 2011
Gary Wright

Risks in Systems and Standards

The UBS rogue trader has once again brought risk to the forefront of banks thinking. No doubt the usual hand wringing, system reviews and updates will be the response to the anticipated regulatory cra...

26 Sep 2011
Gary Wright

Outsourcing - IT Management Cop Out

It's incredible how many people still think building a system in-house is less risky and more cost effective. There are more internal developments that fail and at best come in over time and over budg...

02 Sep 2011

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