Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,674
Members 208
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Retired Member

Apple vs Google: user experience

The following fact always comes as a surprise to many people: there are very few technologies (as opposed to features) that Apple actually invented. Take iPhone, for example: Apple simply "glued&...

18 Jul 2012
Pat Carroll

Protecting Pin Pad Payment

It was interesting to read in the FT's special on 'Cyberwarfare' recently which identifies that pin pad payment terminals pose a security risk for millions of consumers. According to MWR InfoSecurity...

18 Jul 2012
Retired Member

Would you share your savings goal on Facebook?

Personal Finance Management is in the focus of most banks nowadays. However, if it comes to PFM most banks (and vendors) are at the very early phase of their learning curve, at least, in the continent...

16 Jul 2012
Retired Member

Should Amazon be slapped on the wrist?

A French friend of mine recently boasted about his "ultra-secure" credit card issued by his local bank - that card required SMS-based authorization of every transaction. There is nothing sec...

11 Jul 2012
Darren Negraeff

Part II: Major Hurdles Core Banking Systems need to Overcome

Core banking systems were built for a slower technological pace, where code changes were rare and stability and security were paramount. Now, legacy core banking systems are an impediment to innovatio...

09 Jul 2012
Retired Member

A Balanced View

Viewing a balance is by far the number one transaction conducted in Mobile banking. Eighty per cent of the time it is the only activity done by a customer after they login. That’s right. Eight out ...

08 Jul 2012
Retired Member

Contactless payments since 1926

On my desk sits one of the first contactless credit cards. It dates back to 1926 when it worked in exactly the same way as its modern NFC successor - you present it to buy goods or services. If they ...

05 Jul 2012
Retired Member

Changing a Sales Culture that is Institutionalized

INTRODUCTION Your organization has decided that you must develop new processes, methodologies and technologies to increase the effectiveness and compliance of your sales force. Those you have, the one...

03 Jul 2012
Bo Harald

Wasting tax payer's money until 2020?

Most governments are trying hard to save tax payer’s money – and even more importantly trying to push the SME-sector into digital processes and financial administration. But still too many in EU seem ...

03 Jul 2012
Retired Member

A missing 'fifth element'

Two days after the original article on "Amazon vs PayPal" was published and tweeted by several people, one of the Amazon Payments' top execs joined Finextra. Talk about coincidence... These...

28 Jun 2012
Bo Harald

Why are some governments still dragging their feet?

8 reasons for paper and PDF-deadlines NOW:

27 Jun 2012
Retired Member

What should RBS do first? Account Management Best Practice

What should RBS do first to clear up the mess left behind from the computer failure? Managing Customer Relationships Now I might be looking at this over critically through the eyes of a person who de

26 Jun 2012

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