Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,674
Members 208
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Retired Member

The Business case for Core Banking Transformation

What is that a bank will be looking for in a core banking transformation programme? Is it only improvement in productivity, efficiency, compliance or something more? This is the question that requir...

17 Jun 2012
Retired Member

The cost of identity theft equals Google's net income

Every second, 175 fraud attempts take place. Such attempts are no longer about some spotty teenagers having fun - most of the fraud is now committed by well-funded, well-organised (and in some cases -...

15 Jun 2012
Retired Member

Barclays PingIt: what's next?

Cardless ATM withdrawals. Now that RBS/NatWest stole the thunder and even such non-bank companies as Ukash offer cardless ATM withdrawals, Barclays has to catch up. Banks have the luxury of being abl...

13 Jun 2012
Retired Member

Contextualised Speech Recognition ready for prime time

The potential for speech recognition to augment and enhance mobile banking has been expressed several times in this group over the past few months. It makes sense. After all, m-banking apps have the p...

12 Jun 2012
Retired Member

Secure: what consumers really want

Secure: what consumers really want When it comes to the Internet, mobile or not, you hear the word "secure" frequently these days. There are many concepts that are presented as directly rela...

12 Jun 2012
Richard Chapman

Death By Liquidity

‘Shortage in liquidity will kill you instantly and excess liquidity will kill you over time’ is a well-known industry saying which serves as a very real warning to banks across the globe of the danger...

08 Jun 2012
Retired Member

Facebook and finance ... the next App revolution ?

Whether you are an advocate or not, it’s increasingly hard to ignore the Internet phenomenon that is Facebook; spending $1 billion to buy a company with only 13 employees that makes virtually no mon...

06 Jun 2012
Matt White

Wonga bad, Zopa good?

The name Wonga rarely appears in the media (Finextra included) these days without the accompanying adjective 'controversial'. Contrast the perception of the company with that of another innovative, te...

06 Jun 2012
Bo Harald

China on the move with e-invoicing Many countries - all over the world - are now very active. Less so in some parts of EU where the need to beco...

06 Jun 2012
Brett King

Does a banking license provide an exclusive on banking?

Clearly, to be a deposit taking bank and offer products like Mortgages, loans, savings accounts and so forth, it would be easier to have a bank charter. However, today the lines between banks and non-...

04 Jun 2012
Pat Carroll

Shaping the future of mobile banking

I took part in a panel debate on the future of mobile banking this week and it was a delight to hear the debate on what mobile banking might shape up to be. It is obvious that mobile banking is still ...

01 Jun 2012
Uri Rivner

Eternal Flame: A super-grade cyber weapon

The Eternal Flame is something you’ll probably recognize as the ever burning fire in ancient Greece; but in fact it has deeper roots in the Middle East. The first records of such custom are, interesti...

30 May 2012

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