With an increase in regulations and growing involvement from multiple players, the world of payments is undergoing a disruption across the region
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Laura Francis Head of Brand and Marketing at Form3
Why now is the time to move away from legacy payments infrastructure Technology is moving at a remarkable pace – by the time something has been built and launched it already feels outdated. So it may come as a surprise that many European banks are still using systems originally implemented several decades ago. The introduction of open banking (PSD2...
13 July 2020 /payments /cloud
Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever
In a time of real-time, instant payments, it is strange to see that companies providing pre-paid gift vouchers are still massively being created and continue to grow. At first sight buying such a gift voucher has only disadvantages, as it converts liquid currency to a product, with less favorable qualities (i.e. can only be consumed in certain shop...
16 June 2020 /payments
Ron Delnevo Chair at UK Cash Supply Alliance
There is much speculation about the extent of the comeback cash will make after the latest pandemic is behind us. To be fair, cash has had a bit of a tough ride. Lockdowns impacting more than half the worlds population have lured people into the clutches of internet shopping - and, as we all know, paying by cash on the internet is a bit tricky! On...
04 June 2020 /payments /inclusion
The economic scale of the SME market is substantial, contributing £2.0 trillion (52%) a year to the UK economy alone and growing. But for SMEs wanting to trade internationally, they’re met with highly complex infrastructure and a myriad of lenders, brokers, FIs, processes and systems in place that lack sufficient integration or none at all. What’s...
20 April 2020 /payments
Plenty is unfolding in the global payments arena. There is a stream of new products or partnerships being publicised by financial institutions to improve the user experience across both domestic and international payments. One common theme rings true, the existing system is failing to meet the demands and realities of cross-border payments, especia...
02 March 2020 /payments
Retired Member
There are some big changes in store in 2020, some obvious, some less so. In the payments landscape, it’s all about user convenience and customer experience, whether that’s through increased security for card users, or new ways to pay. Fragmented payments systems and services, from online to in-store, will move towards a unified centralised payment...
10 January 2020 /payments
Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems
The EU's Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive (“5AMLD”) will subject certain participants in the crypto-asset sector to regulation for anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) compliance purposes. While it most crypto-asset companies will not be ready to comply by 10 January 2020 (the date EU member states are required to...
07 January 2020 /regulation /crypto
Do you want to know which country has made itself to be the most competitive economy country in Europe? There is a newcomer at the number one position, following up Switzerland and Germany. It is the Netherlands. Netherland has been honoured with the crown title of having the most competitive economy in Europe. The organization has recently made th...
30 October 2019
Rodrigo Zepeda CEO at Storm-7 Consulting Limited
Strong Customer Authentication Across the European Union (EU) the original revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) final implementation date of 14th September 2019 has now been delayed by the European Banking Authority (EBA). It was previously noted that those in breach of the SCA law would have to provide a f...
27 October 2019 /payments /regulation
Mari-Anne Bayliss Director, Payment and Fraud Solutions, EMEA at CyberSource, a Visa solution
Since the European Banking Authority (EBA) published its Opinion in June on the strong customer authentication (SCA) requirements of the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2), I've been thinking and talking about it with colleagues, peers and — especially — with merchants. In particular, we've been discussing the opportunity given to nationa...
30 September 2019 /payments /regulation
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