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iZettle: missing the gravy train

I recently had a discussion as to which market represents the biggest business potential for iZettle (I said - the US).

If one looked at the current EMV terminal adoptions rates worldwide, it is clear that the USA represents what seems to be... 0% of the global EMV terminal market. Add to the equation EMV's plan to switch all US issuers to EMV from April 2013 and you have an explosive mix. I would be surprised if Square are not working on an EMV solution "as we speak"...

In less than a year from now, "Chip-n-PIN" (OK, "chip only" at Phase 1 in some countries) will become de facto standard for offline non-cash payments. It's time to extend that proven, trusted and convenient technology to the online and mobile worlds.


Comments: (1)

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 27 June, 2012, 23:03Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes Just came across this "iZettle No.2" via Dave Birch's blog: I smell something burning...

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