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The Finexpo chronicles

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Registration has opened for Finexpo, Finextra’s sixth annual capital markets exhibition and conference, which takes place at The Brewery in London on Wednesday 30 January. 

Finexpo runs three simultaneous conference streams focussing on front office, back office and technology issues for capital markets participants.The conference programme is supported by an exhibition of up to 40 specialist technology vendors.

This community space has been established to keep participants up-to-date with conference and exhibition news, and as a forum for discussion of the key industry challenges addressed by the event - from developments in algorithmic trading and liquidity fragmentation in the trade execution arena to low-latency data management and energy efficient processing in the back office.

We’ve already signed up our first four speakers:

  • Stavros Siokos, Managing Director and Head of European Alternative Execution Sales at Citigroup's London global portfolio trading strategies group will give an address on the future of algorithmic trading;
  • Kevin Houstoun, Co-Chair FPL Global Technical Committee, Consultant to HSBC, will look at the extension of the FIX protocol to algo trading strategies;
  • Andrew Douglas of Swift will discuss the role of the Giovannini Protocol in the post-MiFID trading STP landscape; and
  • Marc Bayle, T2S programme manager, ECB will provide a progress report on the European Central Bank’s contentious Target2 Securities programme.

With the re-architecting of the EU trading landscape underway post-MiFID, we’re expecting that Finexpo will be a must-attend event for capital markets professionals operating in the new Pan-European trading landscape. So stay tuned for regular updates and postings from the Finexpo front-line.


This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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