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2nd most viewed post in 2011 - e-banking is not ready

The second most viewed post last year states that e-banking is not ready:

The points raised can be crystallized as follows:

1. New generations of smartphones and tablets mean that also bank customers start to expect proactive intelligence and context based messages. In stead of only logging in starting to try to find something - get an expected or even better unexpectedly accurate service proposal to approve in real time - without further ado (when consumer protectionists do not hinder it)

2 These devices (and especially earlier versions still in use) are more seen as messaging tools than  PC-screen emulators..). The practise of approving e-invoices for payment with a single press "a" serves as guide and creates the habit with critical mass for the future.

3. E-banking should not serve only payments - but with the help of e-invoices automate enterprise administration on a large scale.

4. The e-banking customers should have the right to use the codes also when loggin in to other services - especially in the public sector where strong e-id is often needed.

Much work to do - some investments also needed - but not massive ones.


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Bo Harald

Bo Harald

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Transmeri, Demos, Real Time Economy Program,MyData

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Helsinki Region

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