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EBA Day and the road back

EBA Day has been quite something this year. It has grown enormously and now rivals SIBOS for quality of speakers, delegates and exhibitors. The concentration of top quality people in the payments space all able to mix and get down and dirty with all the days tough issues and find solutions and with the inclusion of expert suppliers makes this an event where problems are faced and solutions are found.

There is clearly much work to be done in the financial markets to recover from the damage of the last few years but at EBA Day there is a fantastic vehicle to start on the road back. Well done all who attended and shame on those who missed out.


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Gary Wright

Gary Wright


BISS Research

Member since

19 Sep 2007



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EBAday is the annual event for European payments professionals organised by Finextra and the Euro Banking Association. This community has been created to deliver a forum for EBA delegates to exchange views on instant payments, open banking and new developments in payments processing and technology.

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