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2024 (1) 2023 (2)
Aare Reintam

Aare Reintam

Chief Operating Officer at CybExer Technologies
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Information Security

The Need for Enhancing Cyber Preparedness in Financial Institutions

10 Jun 2024

Cybersecurity threats have been a grim reality for the financial sector for a long time now. According to a recent report from the IMF, the industry has been hit by over 20,000 attacks, resulting in a $12bn loss over the last 20 years. Moreover, digitalisation has introduced new vulnerabilities and cyber risks to an already vulnerable sector. Whil...

Information Security

Preparing for DORA

19 Jul 2023

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) will enter into force on the 17th January 2025. After this point, banks, other financial institutions, and all organisations providing services and products in the financial sector in the EU will be required by law to adhere to the regulation. This includes explicit rules around areas including incide...

Information Security

Achieving Zero Trust in Finance as Digital Ecosystems Grow in Complexity

03 May 2023

Those of us who work in the cyber security industry have been talking about Zero Trust for more than a decade now. During that time, it’s fair to say that the financial services industry has become relatively good at verifying the identity of actors within and outside its dedicated networks. Unfortunately though, while defining best practices for ...